Scene: 10pm at a firepit, me and another liberal woman and one conservative man. All drinking. The man goes into a diatribe to one of them about how liberals and Nancy Pelosi believe a baby can be born in the labor room and then killed and that that was legal. I tried to get his attention to ask him if he really truly believed that, and if so, why he allows us into his home/yard. I couldn't get his attention, and the woman can handle herself around him, so I went to bed. I learned later that his 17-year-old son was heard arguing the same topic with him at 2am. Kudos to the 17-year-old young man. I believe the man still "believes" this, particularly when he's drunk.

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....you know.....morons.

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“Oh so it was a BABY in me all that time? Eh, no thanks.”

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I never understood why conservatives aren’t pro-choice. They don’t like liberals, and liberals tend to be pro-choice and thus more likely to consider abortion, meaning fewer democrats. They don’t like programs that support children or families. They don’t like poor people. They are always in a panic over distribution of resources. It seems they would adore abortion for a number of reasons. To cap it off, it’s a winning election issue. So it’s puzzling. Are they simply so beholden to the religious right? Or are they just stupid.

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They want to control women. They want to keep the bad old days when you can rape a girl, get her pregnant, and she is stuck with you forever. They do not want women to have rights.

Modern conservatives are all about talking other people stuff: land, work, children, labor.

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They don't like liberals and liberals are pro-choice. The answer is right there.

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I’m not sure if he’s conning us or he’s confused about everything. Windmills, forest fires, tariffs, abortions, female consent to physical contact, etc. Can he be this stupid? Is it a game with Republicans to take a fact, twist, distort and exaggerate it, and repeat it despite it being easily debunked? I suppose they do simply make up whatever they want their base to believe, like all democrats are pedophiles, for example, a vile and absurd claim. It shows how utterly without integrity they are. It’s why we are way past the “if only liberals and conservatives would talk about their positions they could find common ground and mutual respect.” Nah. Anyone willing to suffer someone as objectively terrible as Trump, or embrace the repulsive lies he and the gop spew, isn’t worth dealing with.

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It's been years since this fucking moron slithered down that escalator, and I'm still no closer to comprehending the total detachment from reality.

In him, or in his cultists.

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Face it, we live in two quite dissimilar realities, operate from mutually exclusive frames of reference and with incompatible sets of guiding principles. For instance, we all think lying is, in general wrong and corrosive to society, while they are all "Hey, whatever works". We try to be correct in our use of language, because it is our chief way of communicating, while they feel free, like Humpty Dumpty, to assign any meaning to any term that seems expedient at the moment, dictionary be damned. They never argue their nitwit positions in good faith, which is another stumbling block toward arriving at any mutually satisfactory way to live together. We are live and let live people who do not demand to police the private lives of others, they lust for the power to enforce (with heavy emphasis on "force") uniformity in all things, because diversity frightens and offends them.

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Well said.

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"If only liberals and conservatives would talk about their positions they could find common ground and mutual respect” is a piece of advice NEVER given by a conservative* to another conservative**.

*fascist **fascist

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"Can he be this stupid?"

Hold my beer...

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God fucking damnit

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i honest to god want to weep at how goddamn stupid these fucking people are. because you know there were more than a few bobbing their rattled brains up and down in agreement.

just how in the hell do WOMEN support this bullshit.

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'Cause they think they're different.

I knew a criminal attorney who was careful to make sure there were plenty of women on the jury in rape cases. He found them so eager to believe "it can't happen to a good woman like me" that they'd believe anything he said about the victim.

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This is from the party that is itching to execute people for attempting to steal toothpaste.

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I'm pretty sure anti-choicers were already talking about abortion as "including killing babies already born", before Trump's political campaign was born, but maybe I'm mistaken.

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If Democrats are doing post-birth abortions, doesn’t that mean fewer Democrats? Which, last time I checked, is their overall goal?

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They don't want fewer Democrats, they want fewer Democratic voters. They can do that through the carceral state and voter suppression. More babies means more poor people, working three jobs to support their families and be yelled at by entitled Rs.

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welcome to Right Wing Wonderland, where logic is suspended and mutually exclusive beliefs are mandatory. A healthy breakfast there includes ingesting at least a daily minimum of outrageous lies washed down with a salutary dose of smug self satisfaction. Reality is whatever their goat herds tell them it is and if you don't buy their premises you are a corrupt and evil elitist.

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That's why I can't understand why they're so rabidly, vocally anti-vax. They think the vax kills everyone who takes it, they think that it's almost exclusively Democrats who take it, so..?

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Yup. Why wouldn't PAB advocate for aborting the libs who stole his second term?

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they don't understand the whole cause and effect thing. if they act with a goal in view, that goal will be achieved regardless unless they are thwarted by some underhanded agent of Satan.

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Of course we might not murder newborns now but Trump knows we will if we get the chance. Post-birth abortions are aspirational for Democrats, is what he’s saying.

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"You simply cannot invent any conspiracy theory so ridiculous and obviously satirical that some people somewhere don't already believe it." - Robert Anton Wilson

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Upfist for quoting RAW!

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And fuck knows, I've tried.

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Birds aren't real.

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Of course they're not. They're closely related to dinosaurs which didn't exist...God sent the fossils as a joke on the heathens and a test for faithful patriots. No dinosaurs, no birds. QED.

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The former guy is either demented, a bald-faced liar or incredible isolated from reality. Post-Birth abortion isn't a thing because that would be murder. I'm sure dozens of people have told him that you don;t need an ID to buy groceries. Either he can't remember this or just like lying about it. And he claims that low-flow toilets need 10-15 flushes, which was something that happened when the low-flow toilet was introduced. That turned out to be caused by too narrow outflow pipes. That was corrected decades ago and low-flow toilets work just fine. Demented, bald-faced liar, or ignorant? Why pick one when all three seem to apply to him.

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Dual-flush toilets, which use .6 gal or 1.something, depending on which button you press, also work perfectly well. We’ve had one for years. But we don’t generally flush a lot of torn-up classified documents.

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"I think we have to accept at this point that there is pretty much nothing that people won’t believe."

I swear, there are some MAGAts that if Trump accused Democrats of painting peoples' hands blue, you could literally paint their hand orange and they would *believe* it was blue while they were looking right at the still-wet orange paint.

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The analogy I like to use: They would believe PAB if he told them the sun didn't rise this morning.

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They are using this angle to try to stop the abortion rights bill passing in Ohio this November.

“Vote No to stop late term abortions” is the newest commercial. Of course after how they failed with the “Protect Ohio from trans people” on the last special election I’m hopeful people aren’t falling for this either

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Um, question please. How can a baby be "aborted" after it has been born? And, yes, we have to accept that there are a very large number of people who will believe anything, no matter how preposterous or illogical.

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Women do not exist as humans with rights unless a white man has sponsored her for humanity via marraige.

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It can't, but when you can play around with definitions and call communists "fascists" among other things, then yeah this isn't too hard by comparison.

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See, that's where the 'execution' part comes in.

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Also too they don't always understand the English language very well...

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'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less. ' 'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many different things. '

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