Exactly! It's just a chance to spew his fucking, boring, ol talking points, he could care less whose name is on the endorsement...its so far beyond parody😂
The tragic thing is, as much as this was vernacular to those of us of a certain vintage, I can't at all get the brightest of my mill/genZ pals to listen. And they are very bright ://
He could have just said "I don't give a fuck," but then he wouldn't have been the center of attention that he so desperately needs to be.
JFC, the stupid burns! How is this a good look for anyone?
Perhaps he endorsed Eric the Bee.
Sorry, Eric the 'alf Bee. He had an accident.
So, TFG is showing that he only "endorses" someone that he thinks will win?
This is surprising how?
In a kingdom of imbeciles, an idiot is the king.
Vey iz mir. Gevalt.
Ex-president chaos monkey is right. 🙄
How did that big mouthed bass leave the swamp and put on human clothes?
Too bad Trump's son didn't join in on that. Looks like he knew that his dad wasn't referring to him.
Maybe he was endorsing #2 son, Eric. Get him in the Senate, get a GOP majority, and make Eric Majority Leader, replacing Mitch.
Exactly! It's just a chance to spew his fucking, boring, ol talking points, he could care less whose name is on the endorsement...its so far beyond parody😂
I'm assuming they are as bored of him as we are. Also, would you mouth-to-mouth THAT? No thanks
Holy s*it I forgot how much I love this tune:))
The tragic thing is, as much as this was vernacular to those of us of a certain vintage, I can't at all get the brightest of my mill/genZ pals to listen. And they are very bright ://