Oh, didst thou experienceth Das Banhammer? Wonder why...

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It is amazing how well that film holds up after all these years.

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trumposexuals...perfect...and yes, i believe it was the 'straight' jw gacy that stacked the bodies in the crawlspace

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daaaammm...robert hall...ouch...but seriously, who did the cut/fitting on that jacket...mr clydesdale of the house of burlap?..omar the tentmaker?

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Welcome to your lifetime appointment, possibly mentally ill, bigoted asshole!

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Since we're commenting on the dude's looks, he actually looks kinda down-syndromey, not that there's anything wrong with that. Just sayin', that's all. 😀

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Mentally ill?!? Now, why would you write that?!?

Conservatism as a Mental Illnesswww.psychologytoday.com/blo...

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I know that homophobia and anti-women's rights regarding healthcare has been around for, well forever, but in the last few years it's like someone chucked fertilizer on it and it's getting crazy. I don't think it can all be down to Trump - he just used it to his advantage. Ten years ago things weren't perfect but I don't remember things being this bad, and not just in America - we aren't so anti-abortion in the UK but we (I voted against) have Brexit and since then hate crimes of risen. It's like that film "The Happening" and equally as shitty.

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oddly enough, Kim McGuire, who played Hatchetface in Waters' "Crybaby" became a lawyer after her film career ended. She passed away in 2016.


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Heart broken. My tears are flowing because I loved and lost, too, and feel the big hole in your life today. Big sympathy hug to you.

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I don't care what kind of faggot he is. My concern is that he's completely incompetent for the task, and a raving anti-free speech lunatic to boot.

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Tee hee. I see what you did there.

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That's what has been depressing me. What would happen if tomorrow congress decided the whole election was rigged, ordered a do-over and Hillary was elected president? We still have to deal with the people who put Trump in the White House to begin with, and they're not only not going away, they're reproducing.

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Assface too. Also.

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Being incompetent makes him perfect for the job since Trump has only picked people for his administration who know nothing about their job, have no prior experience and have no interest in finding out how to do the job. Look at his cabinet, his family, his love for reality show participants.

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