Because we didn’t fix that the last time, because - circling back to - REPIBLICANS ARE EVIL.

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Have you met Mitch McConnell?

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I did a commercial in NOLA about 8 years ago (plus or minus) and was blown away by the amount of graft, if that’s the right word, or grift, if it isn’t, surrounding city services. Trash pickup, recycling pickup, parking, more trash pickup, requirement for a tow truck to stand by with driver for a hundy an hour. Still, there’s no city like it in these United States.

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Jamie, the decision is not entirely arrant nonsense. Appeals panels with majority Republicans will not have to twist themselves into pretzels to uphold Judge Barker’s opinion. The DOJ will have to file a brilliant appeals brief. Perhaps they could mention the interstate nature of rental property ownership by REITs and public limited partnerships regulated by the SEC. The fact that some rental properties are owned locally does not change the interstate nature of the market.

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I got a certificate of appreciation from the governor when I retired from state employment. Signed by John Kasich, so there.

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Can they tell the renters they're (your parents) going ahead with the rehab on the house? The rent will probably increase as well. The tenants would have to live with the inconvenience if they want to, but that would shake things up at least and your parents could accomplish what they want. Of course I don't know anything about local laws, conditions, etc.

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My mom gave them a letter telling them that they are going to be renovating in the next few years so be prepared. They have a house somewhere that they built but they probably don’t live there because they probably rent it out and live in our house because the rent is so low.

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I don't have to read any legal mumbo jumbo (even though I am qualified to). I can tell to look at Judge J. Campbell Barker he's a Republican tool. As if his name wasn't enough of a clue. What do his friends call him? Campie? Barkey? J as in Jeebus!

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Don’t forget Kansas.

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With all due respect for his position, Judge Terkel looks like he and Stephen Miller would enjoy biting the heads off live puppies together.

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He bases this decision on two things: the whole “non-interstate” thing and the fact that paying rent is not “economic in material sense.” Your point is that the non-interstate part may be valid, or at least supportable. But by bringing in the second point it seems like the first wasn’t sufficient in and of itself. So maybe contesting the decision based on economics may make sense. What part of an exchange of money for goods or services isn’t economic?

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Maybe we wouldn’t have. But we’ve learned from the best worst.

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Business losses are business losses, I would think. Unless there are special line items for empty rental units.

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Not disagreeing with you, but how do you define “essential shelter?” 12 square feet and a roof? Once you start down that path you may create projects of poor people stacked like cordwood. Meanwhile the property owners are protected and can charge what they like, and evict who they want because the “essential shelter units” are there to house them.

This is not to say I see an easy path to a better solution. All the folks talking about small landlords who are suffering too are also absolutely correct.

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Last name "Barker" family origin (or trump called it -oranges) from what early family members did when working for carnivals?

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