Especially if the answer is always "GET OUT!"

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One time (in the year 2000) when I was in the US (Texas) the greyhound bus I was on was stopped by Immigration Officials. I had to get out and open my luggage to show them my passport and that I was in the US legally. I was then told off for not carrying my papers on my person.It was surreal.

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Which in many cases is the same person...

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A town in Illinois that solidly back Trumpmittens is upset that "their Mexican" is getting deported. They didn't want the "good ones" taken.


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so, basically, Panika can't go into an airport for however long this administration lasts. fuck that shit.

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Well...they have no problem with it if the person being judged is brown or furrin. Because didn't you know that - as a number of interwebs nutbags have very carefully explained to me - not-Americans have no rights under the Constitution. This novel interpretation seems to be all the rage among the derperatti.

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Many years ago (2004, IIRC), I had no photo ID and had to take a trip. I showed up at the airport three hours early with my birth certificate, proof of address, Social Security card, etc. Everything went smoothly. The most interesting thing that happened was being wanded by a lovely female agent who was interested in one of my rocks (I had a pallasite, and she'd never seen one before). That could never happen today.

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How many white matrons will have to lose their housekeepers, nannies, and gardeners before this national nightmare is over!? Oh the humanity.

Seriously, how about we arrest a couple of Betty Sue white ladies who are hiring undocumented workers. That too is against the law. I don't understand why we are only interested in punishing workers.....Oh wait...

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Wait, I didn't tell you about the speed camera catching me in both directions on the same road last week? Shiser!

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That's the trick of it all, eventually we will all become "others" if we allow this to continue. the lessons of history prove this to be true.

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Yeah, but that was in Germany. I'm talking about here in the US! Don't read this article! But maybe do brush up on what your rights are when dealing with CBP.

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Your hands...UP!

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Derperatti. That's priceless.

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Maybe what we need is a stealth attack with all us bleeding hearts applying for those ten thousand jobs or whatever the number was. I can't be the first person to have thought of this?

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We used to do it in a German accent. Now we can just do it in one of our own.

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or Bannon, same difference.

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