She's an absolute monster who drew in young girls, got them to trust her, and then delivered them to a pedophile rapist. And yes, she also took part in the actual raping. She is the absolute worst, and i couldn't understand why she wasn't in custody. And now she is.

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I expect that he will suppress vast numbers of votes through the courts, use the white supremacists for voter intimidation for many more, and have the votes counted by the Russian Federation Intelligence Service for the rest.

Amazingly, West Virginia will give him 98 electoral votes, while New York will only cobble together three.

But if you're right: the inauguration parade in 2017 was the last happy moment of his life.

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There is. I suppose all the right-wing conspiracy theorists are saying to each other that Maxwell will be murdered or "suicide" in order to cover for the Clinton Crime Cabal which has such a flourishing existence in their fevered fancy. But here on planet Earth if anybody is worried about what Maxwell might know and blab, my money's on Donald Trump.

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OOT, but I actually know someone who lives (d) on Portland Place, last I knew he was married to a Schlafly spawn.

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That is the most succinct explanation of what we are facing that I have seen. Thank you.

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Straight out of the Norman Vincent Schlemiel playbook.

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Interesting symmetry.

Trump began his tenure by banning people from certain countries from coming to the US.

He's going out as other countries (the EU) and banning people from the US....

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Violins are only played by Antifa terrorists, apparently, and will be met with SWAT teams and teargas,

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Any woman who claims to have multiple capitas with the Donald is faking.

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Antifa's too good to breathe on MAGAts. They'd just lick all the doorknobs.

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Maybe I'll just repeat this ad nauseum every time it comes up.

The President cannot cancel elections. Elections are run by the states. No blue state is going to cancel their election because the President tells them to, and no red state is going to cancel its election for fear it'll threaten their hold on power.

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IF ONLY there were something that could be done between "total shut down, you're on your own" and "back to work willy nilly". Oh, if only!

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He's too stupid to steal correctly. I'm sure he's managed to lose money on all of this.

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I cannot tell if this is fake.

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Being an American, I paid very little attention to Thatcher when what she was saying and doing didn't impinge on American shit. I found the movie Blinded By the Light, set in Thatcher's England in 1987 surprising. They had a nasty recession, and all the out-of-work working class English directed their rage at their large population of Pakistani immigrants.

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