and to hear the lamentation of their women!

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Old ladies counting the paper ballots by hand is how a lot of other countries have continued to do it.

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Right? I see fn [...] and I'm like, what's the function?? Somebody forgot to fill in what it does.

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He started whining about how the elections are rigged in 2016, when he was expected to lose. He is the sorest of sore losers even when he "wins."

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Comrade we know who the foreigner is since English is obviously not your first language.

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IF AG Garland won't Indict Trump, Garland MUST be replaced with someone who will.

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You forgot "radical". Trump would have you executed.

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You think the AG issues indictments. That's cute.

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True. I'm fairly certain that each GOP State Senator swore to the accuracy of it's Certification once. Perjury is such an ugly crime, ask Vanky. It's to the point of these Trumpers doubting the accuracy of their own work.

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I think the AG does investigations that can lead to Indictments. Yes. And he controls The Prosecutors too.

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Why does it have to be old ladies? Why aren't you involved? Your local Board of Elections is always looking for volunteers. It's a long day, but it pays decently.

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Dok mentioned elsewhere that it's an "r" slur for a disabled person which was removed because we are a better sort than they and do not use such uncouth language.

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No argument, nothing refuted, no facts, only insults. Dismissed as nothing but parroted bullshit.

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They care only about personal power and money. Any time they offer a different explanation for their behavior, they're lying.

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What a fucking idiot. I swear. EVERY TIME I read a statement of his, I want to vomit. I hope the idiot melts in the heat this Saturday.

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What is up with you people and the My Little Pony avatars? Is this site all neckbeard soy drinking "Cloppers" or what?

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