Hilarious! What part do you feel bad about? Sounds fine to me.

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If they need the excuse of "untaxed employee" to cover their discomfort with "evil scumbag" then they're craven cowards, but okay.

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The Addison red line is more likely to net douche bros than undocumented folks.

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Not that anyone Trump appoints to Labor would be a friend of workers, but it seems difficult to imagine too many candidates who’d be worse.

Trump: hold my beer...

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Funny that after eight years of "Obama's coming for your guns", Trump is sending the ATF into a major city to do gun sweeps.

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Aaaand it's official: YEEERRRR OOOOOUTA HERE! Another plutoprick bites the dust. See kids? Enough Sturm and Drang can have an effect. Break these fuckers!

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Congressional Republicans have been able to identify a deplorable (other than Hillary).

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Helps that Oprah sent the video to all the Senators.

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It's Grand Ole Oprah again, comin' to you from AM 650 WSM (Will Save 'Merica)!!

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He has his fathers' eyes.


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Weird, it just made me practice witchcraft and become a lesbian.

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And work at the location across town that is on a different bus line from his house.

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I wasted her time? it was a local place and I don't know how much control she had over things..fuck, now I really feel bad.

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I guess being Bi means its not effective on me. Go figure

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Ian Flemmng's strangest work.

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Wonkette has kept me sane and made me laugh after the BS election. And just when I thought I couldn't love this site more, I see this headline" " Pudzer Outsources Nomination To Robot". Hilarious!

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