Shoulda seen that coming...thanks for bringing us up to speed.

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NEVER TAKE BACK FELLATIO REFERENCES! I believe this is in the commenting rules or should be.

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What comments? 😱😱😱

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That's Yosemite Scam to you, Varmint...........

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Like the Utah State Senator, Brit Forshains (R)-Birdseye. Representing the town he owns and points beyond. (Fictional, satirical character, lest he seemed too realistic).

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I didn't know Ted Nugent had an MD.

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He's noble. Like an inert gas.

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Exactly right!

They both know it was more like "cunnilingus."

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I once saw an email exchange that was supposed to be between two lawyers about a third they were working with on a big case with very disparaging remarks about the third lawyer. Unfortunately, the lawyer making the disparaging remarks hit Send All so the lawyer being disparaged saw the whole exchange.

Disparaging lawyer apologized profusely. Disparaged lawyer responded with essentially "We're cool. You expressed your honest opinions, but the only thing that matters is what's best for our clients."

And that's how you lawyer email.

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As an ex-Catholic, there's a lot about the Church I have problems with, but I will give them props for being consistent in their pro-life stance. They're against both abortion and the death penalty.

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That, or Geraldo got a really terrible full torso transplant

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Does he even have to do that? He's not a government employee. He's a private attorney engaged by the President for a specific purpose. He'll have no say in policy or legislative initiatives.

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Eddie Murphy on the hundred pound note?

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No...definitely figure this guy thinks he'll get paid for espousing such nonsense. Then again.., you may be right, and he might believe it. Either way, he's way wrong, and will end up way broke with his reputation in tatters. Sometimes follow @therickwilson, a hard-core conservative but virulent anti-Trumper, on Twitter. His mantra is ETTD. IOW, everything Trump touches dies. So far, so accurate. Let's not be too forgiving. Cobb knew, going in. Either he drank the Kool-Aid (or whatever else keeps him posting all night), or he figures - like Trump - that no press is bad press, provided they spell his name right.

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For starters, we have a command in chief who didn't know you could droughts as far north as North Dakota.

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