"Dear Charles

This is to inform you that some fucking idiot is writing nonsense and signing your name to it.


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Sleeping with the bees.

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Somewhere, America's favorite lawyer/dentist/real estate agent, Orly Taitz, is nodding her head in admiration.

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So is Harder thicker because he took a head'r kick'r from a mule 'ere?

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up is down, black is white, round is square, etc.

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Never in the history of this country has a President been the subject of such a sustained barrage of unfair, unfounded, unethical and unlawful attacks by so-called "mainstream" news, as the current situation."Mr. Harder, there's an 'A. Lincoln' on line 1."

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With the following addendum:

We feel that you should be aware that some asshole is signing your name to stupid letters.

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then why use the term "lynching"

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Gosh, the all powerful Journamalism Ethics board needs to get on the ball and review all CNN's journamalism reporters' licenses so they can be properly sanctioned! Maybe even revoked!

I assume "the stupid, it burns" has already been posted.

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He was only JOKING! /s

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Someone had to explain to him what that meant. He still liked the comparison, but then the meds kicked in and while he was napping the clarification was issued. By the time he wakes up, he won't remember saying it.

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Hey even Regan vetoed the Civil Rights Restoration Act before Congress overrode his veto, so how can you complain about Trump?

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I guess we can add 'extortion' to the list of things Two Scoops does really badly.

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And a B. Obama on line 2.

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Not so much what he's done FOR it as what he's done TO it.

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