d'ya mean that President Clinton didn't have more important things to do than sit in front of his political enemies who were trying to bring him down since day 1 regarding a consensual blow job that they've been getting with impunity and probably lied about also too?(snark/rhetorically speaking)Oh, and my babies were quite focused--on getting as much booby as possible.

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Only when they get paid.

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Carlo Levi thought so (see "Cristo Si E' Fermato A Eboli.")(Primo Levi,maybe also too, at least he hoped so when he had "Se questo e' un uomo" into German.)

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While they are at this...can we get Mr. Trump's conflicts of interest defined....like maybe FOIA his tax returns now?

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Thank you.

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The baby would puke.

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There's a lot of other legal stuff out there that could haunt him. He's been deposed a number of times, some of which has been made public...lots of untruths under oath in civil matters.. He's also got Schneiderman in New York chomping at the bit on his own Trump U case and an open investigation about the "charitable" foundation. Seems to me that if anyone out there has a civil or criminal matter against this asshole, it's time to file the paperwork.And it's time to use the nuclear option or whatever means are available to get Merrick Garland on SCOTUS. Now!

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Poor baby! He is just put upon by the legal system. The biggest problem is that the fucking idiot voters decided that they really needed to elect a marginal criminal as president and now, surprise, he is going to have to stand to trial for his shenanigans.

Move the trial up and try to get him out of court and into jail sooner.

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Hasn't he stated that many of his tweets are dictated and sent out by "the girls in his office?"

Yes he said "girls"

Also, with speech to text how much would he need to read in order to get his thoughts out via tweet? I guess the twitter feuds (where he is clearly reading and responding to tweets) must mean he has at least some basic reading skills, although the fact that his arguments sometimes seem to have no segue could mean his reading competency is bigly bad.

We rate this: Trump probably can't read good

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Ladies and Gentlemen -our next President.

God save us all.

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I opined above that if they leave trumpita in, even under 25th Amendment disability, until after 20 January 2017 Pencita can be elected to two more terms and serve 10 years in addition to any time he spends as Acting President.

In other words nazi punk #2 can serve almost 12 years. Longer than Roosevelt.

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Remember what he said about babs bush?

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In repig world brown people have no business judging white people.

God put them on Earth to serve whites, not the opposite. The flat Earth.

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Trumpita claims that they won't repeal the ACA until they have an alternative in place which he says will be cheaper and better.

Lying piece of shit.

How many times did the repigs try to repeal the ACA so far without any alternative?

They don't have a fucking plan.

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She actually made a pretty good case.

The "I forgot my glasses" act is bullshit that is pulled 100's of times a day.

When they depose trumpita in the future he won't be able to pull that crap.

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