If he isn't humanity has no future. None, zero, zip. But it's going to be a crowded fucking defense table by the time we get the Assads, Uns, Putins, Dutertes, Erdogans, Mbasogos, and Omar al Bashirs of the world in there. Pro tip: don't hold your breath.

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And of course, heart attacks, kidney failure, strokes, and other issues that might result from blood clots. They will be able to work out approximate numbers after the fact, but it won't be until months, and maybe years after the election. The undercount is, of course, not as evil as the deaths that resulted which could have been avoided.

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[checks records]

"That is correct."

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Ta, Liz.

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He couldn't even tilt it far enough to get the water into his mouth, the level did not change at all and he never swallowed, just did his creepy lizard lip-lick...look at how he's got his finger bracing the bottom of the glass, if he tilted it any further it would just slide out of his hand.

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And makes you wonder what she's telling her patients, who may trust her to give them good medical advise.

She's just helping to spread the love, I mean virus.

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Well, yes, the more tests you do the more correctly diagnosed ppl. Not testing will not end the virus.

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I love Phoenix. During the spring, anyway.

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It's not like he tried to pass a fake $20 or anything.

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Real work is SO hard!

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Finally, the CDC is exposed as the real enemy. You need proof? Who tells Americans to wear masks? The CDC, that's who! And what do masks signify? “Trump told The Wall Street Journal that he believes that some Americans are wearing masks during the coronavirus pandemic not to protect others but simply to show that they disapprove of him.” So CDC = masks = Trump haters. Transitive proof! Quod erat dumbostratum.

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You know how some tribes dip their arrows in curare to make them more lethal? It turns out that gunmen are dipping their bullets in coronavirus. When the CDC tests the murder victim, they find the covid, and the shooter gets away with murder. Brilliant!

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A foreign body? Like the things that are removed from thousands rectums each year in US emergency rooms? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go...

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so trump blames China. that doesn't work. Blames WHO. That doesn't work. Blames China again. That doesn't work. Surely blaming the CDC is going to work.

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Well then, I do believe that I'll revert to phrasing it as assuming ambient temperature.

It would make me feel dirty to say something that Rush Limpballs does.

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"Astute observers may note that Trump has shit all over the public health agency every time it tried to actually do anything about the pandemic."

Trump is presuming ( probably correctly ) that none of the people who plan to vote for him could ever be described as an "astute observer". By a long shot.

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