It's time to put "A well regulated milita" back into the 2nd amendment. Rittenhouse was certainly not well regulated, or trained, or even old enough to have that gun.
I believe little kyle got his fee fee's hurt so bad he went back to the trump camp. even funnier since he specifically said no take backs on the way out gotta love those strong principles on the right.
Scarramucci ( who has a path and knows Trump's mind says:) Flip the script! Beard dude runs for Precedent, Trump is the VP pick. Keep all the money, & a horse head in your bed!
Even better, know the law like a lawyer and better than the cops and the bail bondsman - both of which said "huh? That's not a thing" when I told them that under Texass law as I was traveling between counties in the course of business I was allowed to carry firearms.
My lawyer pointed out the relevant statute at the hearing and presented documentation as to the location of my business and where I was traveling to and my case was dismissed.
Knowing the law is the best way to keep yourself from getting a criminal record. And at the time I had hair down to the middle of my back, which in Texass pretty much constituted a crime as far as the cops were concerned.
It's too funny that that doughboy Rittenhouse ended his "I'm writing in Rand Paul!" post with "I have no take-backs". Evidently he does in fact have take backs, only minutes later in fact! Too bad he couldn't take back a couple of senseless murders.
Color me shocked that Rapaport is terrible. Sometimes, people of virtue and integrity and deeply held principles decide a pathological liar and convicted felon conman who assaults women and has no regard for anyone and has a fetish for violence should lead our nation. Like Mrs. Vance. She evidently was a progressive at Yale and Cambridge and a registered Democrat in 2014. But the political expediency of her husband’s rise and the intoxicating siren song that was Trump’s 2015 escalator ride warmed her heart to the Great Man. That, or she’s in despair everyday and planning her escape. One of those.
I was today years old when I first heard of Michael Rapaport
It's time to put "A well regulated milita" back into the 2nd amendment. Rittenhouse was certainly not well regulated, or trained, or even old enough to have that gun.
I believe little kyle got his fee fee's hurt so bad he went back to the trump camp. even funnier since he specifically said no take backs on the way out gotta love those strong principles on the right.
Go Young Shooty Boy - I fully support right wingers’ choices to throw their votes away, I mean to vote their conscience
Said conscience not in evidence.
We lost both Rittenhouse AND Rappaport?! Oh Noooooo! However will we recover?!
I heartily endorse that Root article.
Scarramucci ( who has a path and knows Trump's mind says:) Flip the script! Beard dude runs for Precedent, Trump is the VP pick. Keep all the money, & a horse head in your bed!
When you close a Rittenhouse, you open a Rapaport.
i can't even with this. the only thing that i know is kyle rittenhouse and i hate that PoS.
Please someone tell him his 15 minutes are up. Also please tell him that his 15 minutes should have been "15 to life".
Agreed. I only hope that he just torpedoed his own wingnut welfare ship and ends up sleeping in a dumpster.
What have you got against dumpsters?
Ta, Robyn.
The 2A does not say that any nutcase can arm himself with the weapon of his choice and carry it with him everywhere. NO way NO how!! READ IT
If it weren't for milquetoast liberals, this POS would be doing Life W/O parole
Outreach Director for Texas Gun Rights. I assume that's a title and paycheck from some idiot billionaire.
Also Texas gun rights are in no danger. This place is as rootin' tootin' gun totin' as Kandahar, open carry, no permit, any legal firearm.
And to think I got arrested there for concealed carry back in the 90's.
I guess I was just ahead of my time.
PS, it didn't stick because I know my Texass law when it comes to breaking it.
Let me guess, be a white guy and feign ignorance of the law?
Even better, know the law like a lawyer and better than the cops and the bail bondsman - both of which said "huh? That's not a thing" when I told them that under Texass law as I was traveling between counties in the course of business I was allowed to carry firearms.
My lawyer pointed out the relevant statute at the hearing and presented documentation as to the location of my business and where I was traveling to and my case was dismissed.
Knowing the law is the best way to keep yourself from getting a criminal record. And at the time I had hair down to the middle of my back, which in Texass pretty much constituted a crime as far as the cops were concerned.
I thought open carry was mandatory in Texas
Texas has separate gun rights?
Is Actual Country!
The feds only disqualify felons I think, and ban full auto without a class 3 license, cut off barrels etc, after that each state can set their regs.
Beat me to it!
It's too funny that that doughboy Rittenhouse ended his "I'm writing in Rand Paul!" post with "I have no take-backs". Evidently he does in fact have take backs, only minutes later in fact! Too bad he couldn't take back a couple of senseless murders.
I still can't believe thar jerk got off scotfree even with a super supportive judge.
Color me shocked that Rapaport is terrible. Sometimes, people of virtue and integrity and deeply held principles decide a pathological liar and convicted felon conman who assaults women and has no regard for anyone and has a fetish for violence should lead our nation. Like Mrs. Vance. She evidently was a progressive at Yale and Cambridge and a registered Democrat in 2014. But the political expediency of her husband’s rise and the intoxicating siren song that was Trump’s 2015 escalator ride warmed her heart to the Great Man. That, or she’s in despair everyday and planning her escape. One of those.
"the Grift is strong with this one"
Michael who?