Arby’s sauce or horsey sauce?

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She has no conscience or soul. Hence, the ease of the lying and no sweating. 2020 - the year of the sociopath.

Also, her makeup is so thick. Guarantee the skin underneath it is in terrible shape. She may not even be human. Makeup that thick is about covering things up...which I guess is her M.O. for everything.

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He invested some of his doctoring money into real estate ventures through the years.

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I learned to never talk to cops, after reading that incredibly well written screed.

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Yes, the saying means you need to act decisively and quickly to head off a problem if you don't want it to go out of control.

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She doesn't even sweat while lying.Reptiles don't sweat.

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Those last three words make it completely clear that he doesn't care about pandemic, he cares about stocks. He's not even capable of evaluating something that isn't measured by quarterly earning statements. Covid-19? That's not even a valid symbol!

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Thank You! for correcting a longstanding misperception of mine. For years I have been blaming the Jackson 5 for that dreadful mutilation of an otherwise perfectly operational proverb. GD Osmonds.

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Let anybody out there who thinks Trump is NOT racist garbage just ask himself if he believes for a second that Trump would have taken out a full page ad in a major newspaper calling for the execution of the Central Park Five if the Central Park Five had been white.

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"Micromanagement isn't responsible for police violence."

Such a wordsmith!!

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An type of behavior rarely is. Some actual persons might be.

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Ta, Stephen.

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Oh, they go their own way all right, in terms of never being with a woman. They just never shut up about it.

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At that angle, it appears she is morphing into KAC. Did no one warn her? KayleighAnn McConway. Ughh.

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Trump: “We have to work together to confront bigotry and prejudice wherever they appear, but we will make no progress and heal no wounds by falsely labeling tens of millions of decent Americans as racist or bigots."

He's absolutely right. But we'll make enourmous progress by ACCURATELY labeling tens of millions of American racists and bigots as racists and bigots.

As for "healing wounds?" FUCK YOUR FEELINGS. How about redress?

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