Hey, maybe Vicks is the panacea for COVID!

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First, you're gonna need a lot of candles, and a pentagram bedspread. You can get them at Overstock.com.

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I'm sure that will happen next week, but by then we'll be on to another unpredictable outrage, and will have forgotten all about Dr. Demon Jizz.

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Especially if they appear on the TV.

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The demon sex was great, until I went in for some post-coital nurturing. Then it was all, "I have an early morning tomorrow, I should probably go. Talk later…"

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I comfort a crying babby by cuddling them, rubbing their back and softly cooing in their ear with my cheek against their fuzzy babby head....it works, but what do I know?

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Here, grab some pussy: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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well. a good thing about 2020 is all the fantasy band names it inspires. (my current favorite: Dr. Demon Jizz & the Bitcoins.)

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You just have to see her youtube page to know this shit is literally her beliefs.

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I wonder if she thinks , say, that gasoline makes her SUV go because it contains the pee of winged thunderhorses? She seems to have an animistic understanding of nature, rather than a scientific one. I'm not condescending---I read once of a quite-competent Native American locomotive mechanic of the late 1800's who not unreasonably viewed the steam and noise from a steam engine as those same thunderhorses, made angry by the burning coal, kicking and snorting their way out of the engine, thereby driving the pistons.'Demon sperm' might be her not entirely inapt understanding of synthetic steroids!

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Well, this is where i quote the Kurt Vonnegut Sr. recurring character --the black NCO of some Caribbean Island that the CIA makes president for life, and dazzles him with the latest 'technology'--who marvels at the gadgets and devices, over saying over and over, "Science is magic that works".It's an opinion i'll credit in fiction, but not in real life, especially from a medical doctor. OTOH, it's exactly the kind of 'illiteracy' that is so definingly characteristic of Dear Leader and his Court Jesters.

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I kinda like this one: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Yup, that exactly why the pharmacists are not filling the prescriptions.

People with Lupus and other diseases need it, and supply was limited.

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I know a man who is firmly convinced that we could have perpetual motion machines and faster-than-light and what-all if we'd only let the 'theories' (propounded by science-illiterates) go public (they're suppressed, of course)-- because theories are what make nature be the way it is, behave the way it does.His come-back is the always effective one, that all thought is delusional, all fact elective.

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Both of those babbies look like they have opinions. Not happy ones.

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Those girls?

In my day, half of the hookers in New York's "Deuce" were men.

Either they were transvestites, returning ex-cons who were drug-addicted and desperate for their fix, or men saving up for sex-change surgery.

That was scary enough.

However, on my newspaper, Nina Shapiro brought three of them into our office for the story she did in our AIDS series in Hudson County, and I sat in for the editorial portion. The stories these women told of drugs, abusive pimps, abusive clients, abusive families (that got them into prostitution) were harrowing.

The real criminals are the pimps and the clients. The girls are the victims.

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