he wanted egg salad, anyway

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don't you mean tin foil hat?

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if i ever get that old, and out of touch with reality, please for the love of all things good, put me out of my misery.

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Besides, it's bad juju

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I've noticed this too! The liberal "millenials" and the old-fart lefties get along beautifully, while gen-x (or whatever they're called) are nowhere to be seen. Weird.

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Putt knot yore trussed in spell chequers

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....he'd be standing his American Patriot ground by shooting the reporter, I guess.

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And we do everything WITH VOTES.

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I wish the reporter had asked him, "Where to?"

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A friend's SIL (age 34) posts the most moranic drivel on FB, and then has a hissy meltdown when we point out any lies, inconsistencies, or fallacies in said drivel.

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Too true. Damned spell-checker keeps telling me that cockatiel isn't a word, and it IS!!1!


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As anyone here can attest, Trump's rallies have achieved a level of vile and contemptible hatred arguably unforeseen in modern politics. My deepest rage over Trump's bigoted, racist, and misogynistic views and vitriol has found its home in these actions of his most visible supporters, who are the realization of his standard of intolerance. Today, however, I read an opinion piece on the NYT that revealed the depth to which Trump has already managed to corrupt the social fabric of our cherished American society: in the minds of our children. Children, who are the slate upon which we etch the best hopes of our future, are learning to mimic their parents and their parents' hero (Trump). Moreover, with their characteristic style of creatively applying their lessons with fervor and lack of inhibition, they have discovered new acts of cruelty toward young minors that should shock Trump....were he capable of interpreting the dangling threads that betray an unraveling fabric. I am encouraged by the actions of the loving church this author describes - if only both of our candidates could make that inclusive and tolerant philosophy front and center in their campaigns.


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Positive vs negative

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Cuban....hmm....maybe. But didn't Michael Moore write an article some years back about the large population of (now) geriatric German immigrants living in South Florida. Many of the men were veterans of the German armed forces in World War II . So perhaps that explains it: a geriatric SS man.

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