Child tax credits speak louder than hate.

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He mentioned religion. Automatic reject. We're failing because we mix religion with government.

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Our state fair in Puyallup is on - I never went during the last 50 years and definitely won't this year

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Women too.

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Republicans fervently believe that rakes are there to be stepped on.

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The guy that opens the ad gushing about "Star Wars" affects to hate Hollywood.

Just your usual display of Rethug obliviousness and cognitive dissonance.

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Some people with illegitimate children from extramarital unions will downplay that fact.

The mother raised the boy as a single parent.

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Would Dr. King agree? How 'bout the Rev. Jesse Jackson?

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According to The Orange Fattom Menace's former PR Flack, you guys are the Death Star. So which is it? Or do you cravehate Hollywood so much that you want to be ALL the Star Wars? I'm going to bank that at least one of your offspring is going to grow up and realize what a Week Sad Poop Vader you are, Lacksalt.

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Ta, Liz. Let. Them. Fight.

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"grandson of beloved Nevada Senator Paul Laxalt": wasn't he the model for the Nevada Senator in Godfather II?

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[r.e. the decision removing prayer from schools:]“I endorse it. I think it was correct,” King said. “Contrary to what many have said, it sought to outlaw neither prayer nor belief in God. In a pluralistic society such as ours, who is to determine what prayer shall be spoken, and by whom? Legally, constitutionally or otherwise, the state certainly has no such right. I am strongly opposed to the efforts that have been made to nullify the decision."

Don't have time to look up Jackson at the moment but he has similar views.

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I understand. And yet the racism and bigotry of the GOP isn't a dealbreaker for her, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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She's not particularly well informed. I THINK one of the reasons she hates Donald Trump is because he's a bigot.

Example - she thinks antifa is engaged in the same activities as the Oafkeepers. She thinks they're 2 sides of the same coin.

She's also extremely stubborn, and would never admit that she's been wrong about a political party for decades.

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Repubs like losing. They will celebrate losses for many decades and enjoy labeling themselves victims.

Remember the Alamo! And its slave-owning Freedom Fighters!

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That would be these "leftist" media?

"Who owns the top 10 media companies?Comcast Corp (CMCSA): $209 Billion. ...AT&T (ATT): $203 Billion. ...Charter Communications (CHTR): $130 Billion. ...Sony (SNE): $95 Billion. ...Thomson Reuters Corporation (TRI): $40 Billion. ...ViacomCBS (VIAC): $17.5 Billion. ...Fox Corporation (FOX): $15.4 Billion. ...DISH Network Corporation (DISH): $14.5 Billion..."https://www.investopedia.co...

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