Got a bottle of Jameson’s in the cupboard, if needed.

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Prezackly what the doctor ordered!Good thing too, 'cause otherwise I'd need a new doctor...

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I love Pipers, but the wing obscures my view.

They handle great.

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Why do I not see the word "terrorist" anywhere? Does he not fit the description of "terrorist"?

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My big gripe is that they’re hotter than hell over 80°F and threes only a teeny window to open... for training, I switched from 172s to the PA28 only because the 172s were always booked up...

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There's a virus tearing through right now that is not flu, but you will have these symptoms, plus upper respiratory infections. I ended up with walking pnuemonia. Stay hydrated and rest! Feel better.

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Tiger Beat magazine, lol. Good one. That takes me back...

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Max window-open speed on the Skyhawk is the same as Vne

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I thought this one was particularly amaze-balls as the kids would say about five years ago.


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He used to be a stripper, and also had some other strip club-related jobs, but... I do wonder if you're on to something about possible support from others. There are plenty out there who would.

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It wouldn't surprise me much

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Yeah, my wife is genuinely terrified of these armed-to-the-tits blue-lives-matter lock-her-up types. She's not wrong. They're around, and they're fucking dangerous. Anyone who says otherwise has their head in the sand.

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I can tell you that not all psychotics in Florida live in vans.

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Some of them hang out in public school libraries reading smutty books.

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Plus, he's not rich. And has a Messican-sounding name.

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