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And rubber boots. Size 20 EEE rubber boots.

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I think it is also the irresistible siren song of being told they're BETTER than everyone else, they're NOT stupid, they're not weak failures, they're STRONG and IN CHARGE! To admit they were conned is almost impossible--it would not only mean they aren't better than everyone else, but they're even stupider because they fell for a con. Trump is their Nigerian scammer.

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Yeah, I just came to ask the same thing. I don't think he knows how to drive at all.

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What's with Donnie, trucks and GOP failures to rip health insurance away from Americans? Hell maybe if we buy him a whole fuckin' fleet of trucks they would pass Medicare for all.

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And all of them are yelling, "Firetruck!?"

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Some of them are each other's cousins and all of them are married.

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Polonium enemas?

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Name a post office. Name a small regional airport. Decree that August 8th shall henceforth and forever be Ivanka Day.

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All they want is what you bass boats already have.

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something something Corleone boats something

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for weed?

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for weed?

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for weed?

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for weed?

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