I can hear that in Harry Belafonte's voice.Exquisite.

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Better out than in.

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When sanity returns to the world again, this needs to be made.

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Seems like the biggest problem with trump's argument is the timeline. May 7 he fires Comey. May 17 Mueller is named head of Special Counsel. June 7 trump announces Wray will replace Comey. How could Rosenstein be retaliating for something that hadn't happened yet?

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What I think of whenever Wallace comes up. Referring to his first, failed, bid for Governor.

After the election, aide Seymore Trammell recalled Wallace saying, "Seymore, you know why I lost that governor's race? ... I was outniggered by John Patterson. And I'll tell you here and now, I will never be outniggered again."

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I'm thinking of that menacing 'egg' conversation between the unemployed detective (Mickey Rourke) and Louis Cyphre (DeNiro) in Angel Heart--only without the subtlety, intelligence, or charisma....

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How awful. I’m glad he’s an ex.

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"will try to break all the laws and stay out of jail"

TO, not "and." It's a common mistake but annoys the piss out of me because (here) you are implying that just /trying/ to break all the laws WILL keep them out of jail.

"will try to break all the laws TO stay out of jail"

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Knowing how a calendar works is also why people understand u1 is a bullshit story.

So here we are again.

The rwnj idiots are also claiming Wray is trying to cover up his own crimes.

Again, calendar issues ...

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Soon there will be new sheriff in town.


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Poor Hunter, yes He was terminally ill, but he killed himself on W's second term, after football season was over.

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Is it my imagination, or is the rage wearing thin?

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Once again, this further confirms the petty idiocy of Trump himself. He assumes Rosenstein had these motives because it's what he himself would do.

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Months come in. Months go out. You can’t explain that.

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Mr. Mueller is eight moves ahead of these idiots, the media, and me. His contingency plans have contingency plans. Every step of his investigation has been meticulously documented. At this point, it is not an exaggeration to say he knows more about the detailed workings of this cover-up than does the Trump White House.

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Bigly life altering decisions made here.

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