You forgot skulking around behind Hillary when she had the mic, like some deranged old perv. Which he is.

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They way they covered him bringing in all those disgusting accusers, instead of ignoring it for the side show that it was. Ugh. Wonkette is the only reliably sane new source.

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BAG OF POTATOES LIBEL!!!!1!!!!1!!!11!!

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He has mangled the English language, tortured logic, assaulted common sense and affronted our sense of decency. Shooting someone on Fifth Avenue will be a mere footnote.

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all is true!

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People wouldn’t even know the difference if you spray-tanned them first.

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Fact check: TRUE.

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May joyous days and laughter be yours again. Things WILL someday be different, even though it'll be a long hard fight. Hang in there. Love you.

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In spite of everything, President Blatant Criminal almost certainly will have a chance to refuse debate in 2020, because he'll walk from the Senate impeachment hearing.Nauseating. But it sort of reminds me of the old days in Ireland, when rebels brought to trial in Limerick would always be acquitted no matter what the evidence, because the juries were solidly on their side. After hearing just such a verdict for about the hundredth time, one judge said wearily to the defendant, "You have been found not guilty and may now leave this court without a stain on your character -- apart from that of having been acquitted by a Limerick jury."It's not the same, of course. I've a certain sympathy for the Irish rebels, for one thing, and none for Trump. And he has so many stains on his character even before the Republicans give him a pass it's not remotely funny.

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"Trump" and "stains" in the same sentence is such an obvious setup for a punchline that even I will not deign to take easy shot. I will now go back to shooting fish in a barrel.

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There's nobody in America wondering whether or not they'll vote for Donald Trump.

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Blue spotlight pointed on him at all times.

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Heck, I’ll vote for my neighbor’s adorable dog if the Dems pick him as their candidate.Anyone but the orange dumbmenace.

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The "H" makes it look Albanian.

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Would he star in a remake of Frankenstein The Stalker?



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