Substack really needs a laugh reaction for stories like this. Maybe “point snd laugh” to make it clear we’re laughing at someone, not with them.

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With trepidation I read the Yahoo comments, but there was one piece of gold: "There is news of Trump investors jumping out the windows of their trailers at this bad news."

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"...while its investors watch little Billy’s college fund swirl down the drain."

I believe the vernacular is "... little Billy-bob's jailbreak from Podunk cause he's got a'heapin' hankerin' for sex, drugs, alcohol, an' critical thinkin' skills."

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$23.60 as of this comment. Couldn't happen to a nicer piece of crap.

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"Dropping faster than a pig throw from a helicopter." Substitute Trump for the helpless pig if you like.

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This whole story is just librul propaganda, I mean, whoever heard of trees in Oklahoma, let alone someone who removes them? Hngghh? Hhhnngghh?

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With all that money, Devin can buy a pedigree herd of Guernseys.....just saying...

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It's OK if Little Billy loses his college fund. He can just pull himself up by his bootstraps.

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My cup of schadenfreude doth runneth over. I will never stop finding the self-inflicted pain of the cult followers hilarious, because they are mostly truly terrible people.

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College fund???🤣🤣🤣🤣

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The more you suffer, the more it shows you really care. - Offspring

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Good. Let these idiots lose all their money. They deserve it and worse. Zero sympathy.

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Oh shit, they made it a meme stock.

Usually as soon as someone starts talking about Finance Things my brain takes a hike for literally anywhere else, but my husband convinced me to watch "This Is Financial Advice" with him, and hooooly shit these people are in a cult. A stock market cult.


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The sad part (or the hilarious part, depending on your perspective) is that the largest shareholder (Trump) is the one who didn’t invest any money to buy his shares. He simply agreed to use the platform for his public lying. It’s the MAGA faithful who are being asked and invited to invest in DJT. It’s their money, or whatever is left of it, that Trump can take and hit the road, leaving them empty handed when he dumps his stock. But he’d never do such a thing.

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I have a feeling the SEC has an entire wing devoted to watching what happens with Trump and this BS stock. He’s got about 5 and a half months left before he tries to sell his stake, unless he sues to strike that waiting period in his contract. There is sure to be some funny math involved between now and then.

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Trump lost 2020, incited a violent riot on the Capitol, then spent the past 3 years hoarding classified documents in the potty while accumulating criminal indictments and sexual assault verdicts. People who are literally buying DJT stock should be advised to SELL. The slow, disgraceful end of the ugly Trump era is in full swing.

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