For people who like to criticize Muslims for not letting a woman speak the Trump men really like speaking for women.

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I'm more concerned about Don Jr's political ambitions. His father had to smack them down as a distraction from Don Sr's campaign, but Maddow pointed out that Don Jr went to speechify in Philadelphia, Mississippi after the R Convention, just like Reagan did. I think Don Jr liked the approval he got and would completely be interested, but his father will never let him while Senior is active and after Senior loses, Junior will have loser stink on him. So I am moderately hopeful that American Psycho won't hold political office.

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... especially when you factor in the number of illegal Polish immigrants working for less than union wages who weren't even provided with safety gear, and had to sleep on site (Trump Tower).

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i think he understands enough to know he's in favor of it. It's about dominance and oppression. He's obsessed with being the Alpha Male.

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Just gotta say, I love your posts, Serai. :D They make my sarcastic little day!

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The thing that pisses me off the most about his statement is that IVANKA, if sexually harassed, would have to be the one to move on. She, or any other woman, would be expected to have to make the changes necessary to avoid being harassed, instead of expecting the man to fuck off and die, ahem, I mean, the man to stop sexually harassing her. SHE has to make the change, it's on HER. Heaven forbid the MAN's attitude and behavior should improve. This fucking "boys will be boy's" shit should have been left back in the 20th-century where it belongs.

Fuck that shit, and fuck Trumplethinskin Scramblespazz.

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Yes they did.

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Thanks! I like this ship! It's exciting!

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Donald and Eric Trump get on really well with women. Women love them. Trust me, there's no problem there.

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Glad we got that cleared up.

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Don't be so sure. That USA today piece was by Kirsten Powers, in which she both did a actual journalism and wrote rationally and coherently on a contentious social issue. The universe is in flux.

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I'm sure it's been noted already, but she looks a little sick to her stomach there.

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We'll always have gay marriage and climate change...

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Well, hypothetically, if they are dealing with a big time contractor, someone a boss in his own right... Or anyone who can be on the same level as Trump. Lavrenty Beria Vladimir Putin, perhaps.I basically think that no woman is harrassment-free, because there are always men with something to prove, or otherwise wanting to knock women down/around--in a bad sexxx way, not a violent way. (Except that, also, too.)

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