I don't trust this, even though he fits the RICO costume perfectly. I don't trust him not to wiggle out of it. He's a criminal veteran of NOT EXACTLY SAYING ANYTHING DIRECTLY....I don't see him going to jail. Ever. I hope I'm wrong.

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Agreed. He won't do a day in jail. He will wiggle out of it like he has done his whole life. He will blackmail his enemies and get away with it. All because the GOP has no balls and didn't kick him to the curb when they had the chance. Twice. More than twice.

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I believe Orly Taitz might be available.

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I don't want to get my hopes up, but at the same time this gets my hopes up. Paradox?

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If I’ve learned one thing in my adult existence it’s that wanting to do something and doing something are two very separate and distinct things; and which are related only by a coincidence in nomenclature.

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Anus ending up in a Georgia state prison would be so perfect. Although, I still doubt he'll see the inside of a prison for anything.

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Or just across a White House office corridor to the other Miller, Jason.

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Winding narratives. Been looking for a way to express the reason I haven't watched her since 2012.

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Trump will never go to jail he will be declared senile before that happens. Something about putting a president and secret service in jail. Confined to home arrest maybe. I can see him be found guilty, just can't see them sending him to jail. Imagine if he is confined to house arrest at Maralago, but not given rights to go on the golf course! He would have to sit and stare at it each day, so close but not to be.

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How would you like to be a Secret Service agent assigned to THAT detail?

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>< cough>< Sarkozy><cough><

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Also guessing that he's in denial about any issues he might have, and postpones getting medical help or staying on top of current health problems.

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Al Capone was locked up in the Atlanta U.S. Penitentiary in May 1932, the same year he had my grandfather murdered with a sawed-off shotgun in Chicago. I would be delightful if Donni & Miss Lindsey wind up in prison here too.

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Frank Nitti. That's Stephen Miller's Chicago equivalent.

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Just rewatched a Stewart segment about that teacher scandal a couple days ago. He made some salient points. https://youtu.be/LhXMl_DRnXY

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I was gonna say I bet this is in NOLA. Fabulous!

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