You'd think a news organization would have access to Google.

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Don't worry - we're cancelling it in 2020.

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Also, too - he was a semi-frequent guest of David Letterman, who was only on the show because he was so easy to ridicule openly. Drumpf was too stupid to realize it.

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And it was Earth all along.

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A coat made from dalmatian puppies? Or is that a different movie?

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If it's international televised attention Drumpf wants, he's invited to testify at his Senate trial.

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My blackout rage?

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Moar fake outrage from dear leader and state-run tv.

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Great news. Now the lefty’s can watch Home Alone 2 without their heads spinning Linda Blair style spewing their TDS poisonous venom.

Let the good times roll!!

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The new and improved Home Alone! Now with less donald*.

*Denotes Impeached. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Note: Hands are to scale.

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What is it about these clowns who love old, crappy, children's movies so much they feel they must be preserved and revered as if they were the Sistine Chapel? Look at how they freaked out over the Ghostbusters remake. What adult would even admit to watching these pictures much less care about how another country broadcasts them?

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Fave fun facts from Faux outrage: Movie was released in Nov. 1992; Trump was released from the $550M he owed on the property by bankruptcy settlement in Dec. 1992. When CBC created ‘edited for television’ broadcast in 2014, neither Trump nor Trudeau were in office. Worst of all, this whole kerfluffle erupted after POTUS squandered his 2019 holiday inspirational call to deployed troops by pimping this nitwit movie, and telling them that kids still come up to him (in tears, no doubt, calling him ‘Sir’) to say they spotted him in the film. Like a kid from WVA, fleeing the coal mines and the opiates for the relative normalcy of Kabul would give a shit about that...

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Ain’t NOBODY got time for that.

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They were utter crap pandering to brats, so, no.

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