Blithering Idiot for President... now certified with extra delusions.

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Maggie. Haberman’s. Mother. Was. Trump’s. Press. Agent. For. Years.

She. Is. Riding. The. Trump. Train. Like. The. Rest. Of. These. Hacks.

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I honestly don't have much to add. Fuck this giant pile of failed human and fuck Maggie Haberman for being the personification of transcribe access journalism.

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Shit. I rhyme Kamala with Pamela, I’m probably wrong but I have no way of knowing.

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The Kushners, but yes.

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Maggie, dear, history will not remember you kindly.

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Phantom zone....

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Oh shit HE'S NOT GONNA GET ALONG WITH HER ANY MORE???? How will "Nancy" ever cope with them not sharing BFF necklaces?

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Nancy must wear the same perfume that his mother wore.

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I can see trump forcing his mom to write his name in as many pairs of underwear as possible in her last few days

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"Now whether or not I declare a national emergency — that you'll see."

Like "in the next two weeks" and "the next period of time", " you'll see" is Trumpspeak for "never going to happen".

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So, just to clarify, Trump believed Warren's claims to Native ancestry were a big part of her appeal and that confirming that ancestry has damaged that appeal.

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I'm thinking people freezing to death is a national emergency, but what do I know.

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Did you ever think that if we had the wall it wouldn’t be this cold? Eh?

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