Of course it doesn't. It's also not remotely enough money, even if it DID. It's literally just a way to stop having to cover "those people," as well as the rest of us.

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Well, why ELSE would we have some many guns?! What do you expect us to do, keep them locked up and not USE them?!

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Trump won't be told about it, and Fucks Gnus won't mention it, therefore it never happened.

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When did I say I would accept it? I mean, sure, I suppose I said it made a little happy, rather than just happi*er*, which is what I mean - I'm happier with this one than with the previous one. Aren't you, too? It's still both terrible and completely back-asswards, but if one of them were going to pass anyway (and, not being a lawyer or a jillionaire, there isn't really much I can *actually* do to stop it), wouldn't you prefer it was this one over the previous one? *Obviously* I'd prefer it be neither of them, and am hopeful that this one will get just as shit-canned as the previous one did, but if we're stuck with this for two years (yes, two - I'm hopeful at least in two years, they'll have trashed so much, so obviously, that we can't help but have a better legislative branch, at least), wouldn't you prefer *this* stinking dumper-fire over the even bigger one we almost got?

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A stowaway, without proper papers? I think not.

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Will no one rid me of this meddlesome president?

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ICE are here and knocking on doors - the bastards hide behind jackets that say "POLICE" on them.

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If you actually were to keep score, I bet you'd find more immigrants killed by U.S.Merkins than U.S.Merkins killed by immigrants. Including immigrants from the Scary Seven Six.Nobody point it out to Il Douche, because he'll turn it into a safety thing: "We're keeping 'em out for their own good."

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They were Caucasians. (Don't tell anyone.)

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There are more Merkins killing other Merkins and immigrants than immigrants killing other immigrants and Merkins overall.

It has something to do with the population of Merkins being higher than that of immigrants.

It might also have something to do with how many of them hold guns.

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We have no idea who contacted Kahn. Zip. Zero Nada. This story was picked up and run with. Only Kahn knows WHO told him WHAT exactly. No one else.

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O/T but earlier today, Ben Carson said, “Slaves came here as involuntary immigrants.”

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Keeping out the refugees is 100% shitty, whether or not they fuck around with green card holders. They're still shitting on the people with the least power. As one does when a Republican.

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Hey, if Hitler had decided to kill only 90% of the Jews, it would have been a step in the right direction, no?

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And the GOPtards get rid of the mandate, so healthy people can just stay out and not pay into the system ... until they get sick and need it. That's money that will have to be made up with higher Gov't spending (hahahaha, j.k.), or higher premiums. Which many people won't be able to pay, leading to them not getting insured, which is the problem in the first place, plus the system loses their premiums as well, which will have to be made up...

Ah fuck it. It's GOP magical thinking, same mindless shit as supply side economics and "tax cuts for billionaires are good for you."

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