So says Baku Barbie. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Disqus decided this should be posted here. OK then.

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This is dumb, he won't 'consumate' his relationship with Kim. Handies don't count, even if there is a little ass play involved.

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This is full on terrifying.

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I think Trump truly believes that Putin and Kim are his best buds, and Xi is a frenemy who is secretly trying to steal his boyfriend. I think Trump even believes that much of what he says is true, or should be true, or will be true if he wishes hard enough. This is what happens when you give a child millions of dollars and a parental blank check. Of course he has zero contact with reality - he was effectively removed from it at birth.

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Trump likes to be around people who get to kill their opposition .

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I hate that picture. She's trying to look like a hard-working badass or something. It's insulting. The simple fact is even if you're just a useless git walking around a construction site looking for things to complain about, you're supposed to wear a hard hat so your head doesn't split open if someone on a scaffold two stories above you drops a tool or a brick or a scrap of wood. Poser ass bitch.

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Someone quick tell Robert Kraft that handies don't count so he can use that as part of his legal defense

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I bet the plot all along is so Ivanka can manufacture her shitty shoes and handbags in the North Korean gulags.

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Well, not if it's between a couple of bros at least.

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Why can't he be charged with treason for acting under the influence of a enemy, like he has admitted.

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With anti aircraft guns.

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She's architecting man! Leave her alone!

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She's architecting man! Leave her alone!

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With anti aircraft guns.

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Why can't he be charged with treason for acting under the influence of a enemy, like he has admitted.

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