Oh, of course. And she'd have gotten up and started dusting off his jacket with a whisk broom. And somehow, been young and gorgeous in a stylish low-cut house dress.

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No, no, no. We must always remember IQ45 and teach every American school child that this actually happened. He actually existed. He actually did the most destructive things to this country. And do not let the children not know the names of the Republicans that aided, abetted, and profited by giving Impeached 45 free rein. May his name forever be remembered in shame.

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I predict that no one except immediate family (sorry Barron) will come to the Capital Rotunda if he is even laid in state there. I envision an empty National Cathedral if there is a memorial service there for Impeached-45. There may be a service at Mar-a-Lago but there will have to be a free lunch and open bar.

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Except, you know, "Black" isn't the word he'd use.

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The tRump family could raise millions by selling tickets to piss on his grave. I would do my best to stay live for the next 50 years to do so.

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All of the United Nations' ambassadors will draw straws. The country that has the short straw has to accepts the body and bury it. They can however charge people to piss or dance on Impeached-45's grave.

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I am not sure their probation officers or Putin will allow that.

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As Coroner I must aver,

I thoroughly examined it.

And its not only merely dead,

its really most sincerely dead.

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Best that he doesn't do so, it would be insulting to John Jewis.

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Drumpf will be legally and financially ruined when he leaves office. And he won't even be invited into the former presidents club. Loser.

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Donald Trump attending John Lewis' funeral, while simultaneously sending his goon squad into peaceful cities to crush BLM protests. Irony, we hardly knew ye.

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He would turn any tribute into a screed about low-flow dishwashers and Hydroxybonercream. "But we love our troops, don't we folks?"

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"His wife came to me she came crawling to me and she said, 'Sir, she said sir, will you let my husband have his body in the Capitol like the greatest heroes?' And I permitted it. I permitted it and I got no thanks. I got no thanks at all from these people."

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Yes but once someone shows him, you've got to remember, it's his second favorite book. He'll do great in his Prison Ministry. He's a natural when it comes to 1. studying and 2. focusing on the needs of others. They'll call him Brother Donald I think. He'll eventually get a jokey hip hop name from the fellas. From the brothers I mean.

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I suppose you thought that was clever, you traitor!

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You know, I was just reading about Queen Elizabeth and the "courtiers'" reactions to Harry and Meghan's leaving. She followed exactly the pattern of the stock narcissist parent. Mine, anyway. And Meghan and Harry are blindsided in the same way. Just like Diana they feel they've done all they could, being so loved outside and then they come home in the evening and are alone-- Diana really was alone-- and its cold cold cold. And they can't understand what they did wrong. And then when they decide to leave the Queen is devastated and feels she's been put in a false position and she had no warning bc it's a fait accompli. It wasn't a fait accompli-- they want to discuss it. She can't pay attention to Harry's feelings, she can't talk to them now that they've shown they're unhappy in her family. Because she can't tolerate a diminution of her status. That's how she sees it. Like Trump, you're with her or you're nothing. She doesn't have time to meet with them for several weeks! No time! But I remember something-- before Meghan was anywhere in the picture, Harry was just a guy-- I read in the supermarket!!! that he was thinking about getting out of the family because of his mother, because he was too boxed in. All this time I imagine she ignored this problem. Otherwise how can she be so surprised? How can it be all blamed on the terrible American? So, now she's 'devastated.' The poor little royal mite.

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