President Trump plans to fire any parent of a deceased vet who does not worship him or be nice to him.

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Just watched Kelly's apologia for Trump. As he annotated the ritual accompanying the return of a fallen service member, he noted that OIC would contact the following party:1) spouse, OR 2) parents, OR, if they were not together, 3) whichever one was the designee on the soldier's records. If Sgt. Baldridge named his mother as recipient of his insurance, why was Trump calling his father? Also, too...of course deadbeat Trump promised money he had no intention of sending. Nonetheless, it sort of creeps us out to think of a bereaved father shaking a condolence letter from WH like a birthday card from Grandma, looking for a check...

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As you know maybe better than I do, it is always a mistake to let the red dot stray into your breakable Hummel figurines.

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Trump has claimed he paid up. I'll believe it when the check clears.

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It's the coprophagic touch.

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Yes - thank you for the correction!

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This is just perfectly put (both of the articles). Articulates the things i struggle to find the superlatives for.

Also depressing as shit.

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Has the check bounced, yet?

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I wish I could give this 100 upvotes.

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From a coupla years ago: John Deering in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette:


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Great article -- agree completely.

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I'm sure it will come out of a perfectly solvent account... that belongs to one of Trump's charities.

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Sorry, we don't have enough information about that father's financial situation. He's earning well and hoping for a payday? Yeah that's creepy but what are we going to do, judge every single person in the universe? Not a public figure. But what if he's a retiree who needs money for the cab to get to dialysis? We just don't know anything about this guy. Live and let live.

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Note the check number, which suggests it's the very first check drawn on the account.

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Blood money (noun):

Money paid (as by a killer or the killer's clan) to the family of a person who has been killed. (Merriam-Webster)

Compensation paid to the next of kin of a slain person by the slayer or the slayer's relatives. (Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary)

Money or some sort of compensation paid by an offender (usually a murderer) or his/her family group to the family or kin group of the victim. (Wikipedia)

see also: Weregild

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Wait.Dude was upset that the mother of his child got the money when that child died?Really?This story is sucky all the way down.

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