Trump Once Again Demands The Jews Vote For Him, OR ELSE.
'Nice Israel you got there. Shame if anything happened to it.'
The walking creamsicle that would like to be back in the White House splattering Heinz ketchup on its walls like a demented Jackson Pollock spoke Thursday night to the Israeli-American Council National Summit in Washington, where he managed to preemptively blame American Jews if he loses the election.
Like we don’t have enough on our plates these days. The war, rising antisemitism, picking up a brisket for Rosh Hashanah dinner, reminding ourselves to start writing 5785 in the date line on our checks … it’s a busy time.
In the middle of it all, along comes Trump to do his usual antisemitic shtick where he whines that he has done so much for the Jews, and we keep rewarding him by voting for Democrats. Because he’s more narcissistic than Narcissus and has the intellectual curiosity of a geranium, he is never going to seriously examine why this might be the case.
"If I don't win this election - and the Jewish people would really have a lot to do with that if that happens because if 40%, I mean, 60% of the people are voting for the enemy - Israel, in my opinion, will cease to exist within two years," Trump told the crowd.
“Vote for me or your country will cease to exist” is a popular formulation for Trump, at least when he’s talking about America or Israel. Why is it always those two? Just once we’d like him to tell a group of Antiguan-Americans that if they don’t vote for him, Antigua will cease to exist, and then “where will all the cruise ships go, folks? You’ll have no more cruise ships. No more tourists. They’ll all go to Bermuda. They’ll all go to Puerto Rico, and the Puerto Ricans will have all the money. They’ll do all the tourism very powerfully. They might even go to Haiti, and have you heard about all the Haitians in Springfield, Ohio, who are eating people’s pets? It’s very sad.”
Trump was citing a poll that showed Kamala Harris getting 60 percent of the Jewish vote. Another poll this month found that it is more like 68 percent, and goes up to 72 percent if third-party grifters like Jill Stein and Cornel West are not on the ballot.
Sixty percent of the vote would actually be pretty low, historically speaking, while the latter poll would be much more in line with past elections. Usually Democrats have closer to a 70 percent advantage with America’s Jews. Trump got less than 30 percent of our vote in both 2016 and 2020. Because his brain is oatmeal and nuclear waste, it never occurs to him that Jews are not single-issue voters who don’t really give a shit where the American embassy in Israel is located.
Trump also told the crowd that “you had no problems” while he was president, which would be news to the Jews slaughtered by a crazed Trump fan at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, or the Jews killed in other synagogue attacks by other crazed Trump fans. And it would be news to anyone who has watched Trump and the people around him openly embrace neo-Nazis and other white supremacists, groups that are not, to put it mildly, historically friendly to Jewish people.
And yet Trump keeps saying, as he did Thursday night, that any Jews voting for Harris should have their heads examined.
The rest of the speech was his usual miasma of bogeymen we Jews are allegedly supposed to watch out for. There is Iran and its nuclear weapons program, which was very much in check thanks to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action the Obama administration had negotiated. Then Trump came into office and tore it up, and now he can’t figure out how America let Iran get back on track to build nuclear weapons.
Also, Hezbollah! Hamas! Very bad news, folks!
Thanks for the scoop, Donald. May you grow like an onion with your head in the ground.
Wonkette stays alive thanks to the shekels donated by our generous supporters.
DJT below $14, currently at $13.90. PAB has lost $90,000,000 today - so far.
Steve Bannon is still in prison.
Mark Robinson is still in the race! Yay!
Happy Friday!
David Rothkopf
Nazi rhetoric. Nazi tactics. Nazi objectives. Nazis on the ballot. Nazis for dinner. Nazis in the streets. Nazis on the night stand. At some point, we have to start calling Trump and MAGA by the name they have embraced for themselves.
Kristy Greenberg
Today, Trump threatened to scapegoat Jews if he loses.
Today, NC GOP pledged to continue supporting a self-proclaimed “Black Nazi” for Governor.
Has the GOP hit rock bottom yet?
8:00 AM · Sep 20, 2024