Is it OK if I don’t watch the video? It won’t make me cry, but it might make me vomit, and I don’t wanna vomit.

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Is this a game? It’s funny to them, an emergency? What? I -am- owned it appears. We’re being robbed and imprisoned by this invasion of empowered bullies. It’s an emergency alright. And there’s no higher power to appeal to. The worst part is their arrogance. I guess evil always wins in the real world. Bring on that Giant Meteor and get this over with. Sorry millennials, we fucked it all up.

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Kamala gets the best "I just vomited a little in my mouth just from listening" look award (even though also apparently knows the best way to suppress nausea ... just by inhaling).

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May the effluent drown the affluent

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Democratic women will be his downfall.

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25th amendment anybody?

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Are you all as exhausted by the constant turmoil and angst caused by Trump as I am? It gets near bed time and all I want is to kill the constant headache with another drink.

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Nice Times!

My best friend and I have created an online feminist collective focused on committing art and direct action for a better world. We’re pro workers, democracy and reasonableness (and jokes that send you straight to Hell) and anti racism, sexism and fascism (and that bullshit where Trump teased Barron with a puppy and then loled and said no, who even does that? A monster forsaking all humanity.)

I’m not even mentioning the plans vis-a-vis the child separation situation.

If you're interested, please to be emailing me at myfirstname.mylastname at Gmail. It has brightened my life considerably to be planning things in conjunction with talented, cynical, hilarious people, and we have no feminism purity test, but we do have makeup reviews.

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Awesome. Getting involved and actively fighting against the evil/stupid is a much better way to maintain than drinking in front of the computer!

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Porn. And then more porn.I can't allow myself more brain damage than has already been done by the 537 fools running the federal government.More to the point. Why allow myself to get upset over shit that I can't change.Alcohol does help.Xanax is best.Oxy works too.

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Meteors are too unpredictable.My money is on wild climate change with thermonuclear holocaust as a back up plan.You ever wonder who the guy is in Pakistan with their nuclear codes?How about India? Some guy eating his little bowl of eggplant curry, typing in the numbers right now.

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Sorry, Evan. But I can't make heads or tails of the article's headline. Can someone explain it to me?

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Perhaps title the video “syrup of epicacac” ?

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"Trump scores on his own goal...to own the libs?"

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