They only learned to do what they did with more yelling. They think they might get their way this time too.

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It also turned out that Hillary didnt say someone was being groomed by Russians, she said someone was being groomed by REPUBLICANS but the NYT screwed up their article and silently corrected it days later with no public corrections. Today Fox breaks a story that Tulsi will run as a 3rd party candidate. So Hillary was right.


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Turkey the land of the Ottoman Empire that ruled the Middle East for 600 years till the 20th century, does not care what Trump thinks or does:https://www.thegreatcourses...

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I was wrong. Wikiperdia says "The Four Lads" sang it first.https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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Ethnic rinsing?

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...isn't it also illegal? You can't just pillage another country's resources on your way out the door.

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"We've secured the oil"Keeping an eye out for what's REALLY important here.

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Exactly what you'd expect out of a Russian-compromised agent.

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"No Nazi. No Nazi. They're the Nazis."

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Well, yeah, but who enforces that? The Pillage Police?Have a look around the Louvre and ask yourself how all those Italians were painting and sculpting in France. Or Egyptians, for that matter.

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Totally fair point, just wasn't sure if it was one of these norms we've discovered are useless if the person lacks shame and empathy or an actual law.

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It's a "sir" story. Complete BS.

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when asked about ethnic cleansing, he said Turkey has to clean up some things.

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that should help convince any future allies that we're a reliable partner that isn't just fucking around in the middle east to steal their oil

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there's 2 big buildings right next door in istanboool that have trump's name in huge letters on the side, just sayin

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aka "Mission Accomplished!"

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