Yep. Kwell.

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Lotho was an entitled little shit, but I'm willing to believe that he never imagined the destruction he'd cause.

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Oh Sweet weeping baby jesus! The protests aren't getting smaller, and they're worldwide... what a clueless asshole.

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OK, so - "Subaru" is the Japanese name for what we call the Pleiades, or the Seven Sisters.

1) Stella?2) Septima?3) Black Betty (but perhaps insensitive.)?4) Black Eyed Susan? [ https://www.youtube.com/wat... ] 5) Black Mack, the Outback?6) Five-speed Freddie?7) If you can't do Ziggy, perhaps Iman?8) Barnard? (one of the US's "Seven Sisters" - a group of women's colleges of note in and around New England)9) Burnadette? (to "honor" 2019/20)9) Robin (Red bellied, almost black. Batman, also too.)10) Reba Sue?11) Crescent Dragonwagon? (The name of a book critic of some note)12) Darth Bogan?

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I'm sure no minds have been changed, but the sheer, craven, purulent greed of the religious right wing is on brilliant display. A lot of us were already there, but I just hope the dripping hypocrisy wakes some of those on the periphery up a little bit at least.

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JP (2) was pro-Solidarity! And anti-dictator! And pretty much a jerk otherwise!

Eh, aside from being anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-condom, and quite blind to a lot of his pals being pedophiles, JP2 was quite the liberal hippy. By churchmen standards, he was a revolutionary. And yes, coming from USSR-backed Poland, he wasn't prone to admire dictators, established or wannabe.

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My guess is he doesn't normally wear fatigues. He knew.

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Yeah, chain AOC to the White House fence and let Bunkerbitch have at her! Law and order!

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I hear they worship some Aramaic pinko in there.

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These fascists really love the word "quell". It sounds so authoritariany.

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Keep up the comparisons, and I'll end up not liking the idea of dogs...

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I came.

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I had thought (mistakenly evidently) that Rep Pete King was not one of those taint-licking Dear Leader sycophants but damn, "Historic moment as @POTUS Trump reclaims St. John’s Church for America!" is one of the more taint-lickingest sycophantic things i have read from these jagoffs. I threw up in my mouth a little bit.

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When does he lose possession of the codes?

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'Authoritari-Annie' is a great nickname, I just can't decide who it fits most

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They've already given him fake ones so he can't nuke California.

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