I disagree in that they just did it for fun. They knew this pandemic was coming*, and persevered so we have this vaccines now.

*Obama knew this was coming, and he doesn't work in a lab.

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In the mouth, point backwards at a 60 degree angle. Wear a plastic garbage bag over your nethers for the sake of the people who have to clean up after you.

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Harvard and Yale are notorious among the Ivies for doing everything they can to retain students once they have gotten in in the hope that you'd contribute to their endowment if they mollycoddle you through graduation. Back in my day, Cornell would punt you in a heartbeat if your GPA suffered because you were more interested in doing theater than writing papers about physis vs. nomos.

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He’s declared vociferously that he’s immune since he had the virus. So why would he or any other perfect physical specimen need a vaccine? Also too, is there anyone in the WH who hasn’t had it yet? The guy nobody wants to sit with at lunch?

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It’s like his Twitler feed. I kind of agree he should be allowed to post lies because he’s the president and his statements need to be available to the people. Never mind, I have rewritten this sentence forty times and even I know it’s crap. No vaccine for him, but other presidents, yes. Don’t change the rules, just don’t apply them to him.

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Clearly Elmo is Grover's bastard child. You can see the family resemblance.


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Trump and his inner enablers should be a priority for the vaccine since we want them alive and breathing so they can enjoy their time in jail.

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As an immunosuppressed individual who cannot take the vaccine, I would prefer anyone & everyone I may ever encounter be vaccinated. I know how unlikely this is though, so I'm prepared for a life behind a mask.

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This begs the question to Trump giving a Tiffany about it. We did that, the PR guys told us to stop... so we stopped.

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If he wants to make good on his pledge not to live under socialism, he can easily find a high rock around there from which to take a header .

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DeSantis was a star baseball player in high school.. A ticket into any Ivy.

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And there you have it.

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If that's your real name, then you have a cool real name.

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Just to be a chaos agent?

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Trump is anticipating that Joe Biden will get an early vaccine - as he damn well should - but he wants to be able to bitch about it, claiming Biden is jumping the line unfairly when Trump has graciously allowed others to go ahead of him. The small minded little prick.

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Oh is the Blood Moon returning?

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