Almost like he's a nazi that considers brown people to not be people, but unter-menschen...

Fixed that for ya!

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Yeah, this is gonna bite us in the ass when -- not "if", but *when* -- whatever enemy we face in our next war* (Iran?) decides to put our soldiers on trial and execute them on the slightest pretext, and we won't be able to raise anything like a reasonable objection/defense because they'll be able to point out to the rest of the World that there's no other way that they can get Justice if/when we commit War Crimes. The families of all serving soldiers need to remember this come election day.

*Or possibly even a *current* war. (i.e. Afghanistan)

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It’s absolutely fucking obvious why Lord Fucknut is interfering: because it plays with his Fucknutterette base. He obviously gives not one cold shit about Gallagher, because he gives not one cold shit about anyone but himself and maybe Ivanka (although if it came down to him or Ivanka, we all know who would take the bullet). But his base loves “warfighters” because “war,” and because he killed brown non-christians. So he uses this issue to fire up their blood lust, and reinforce their absolutely mistaken belief that he fights for what is important to them.

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It’s the difference between “retired SEAL” and “former SEAL.” Might not be a perceptible difference to 99% of the population, but to those who understand, we will look at him and know.

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George is the kind of guy who gets in your face -way beyond to close - to let you know what a good American sounds like and what his pecs look like. There are many Mericans and not Mericans who have various injuries and worse who were never quite convinced exactly what George actually is - but are certain they don’t care anymore. George takes a special kind of person to hang with George - another equally psychotic and sadistic crazy person. Neither zGeorge or his fewer and fewer buddies should be in the armed forces. Not our armed forces.

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You might be thinking of oranges in a pillowcase. The soap in a sock will *definitely* leave bruises, but won't break bones if you keep your fingers out of the way.

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Sure Jan.

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OT... recently watched the entire series on Clarovision (knock off Netflix that comes bundled with my Mexican telephone service). Yeah, it really was great, my fave being the episode where the victim died of eating poisoned human.

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"Warfighter"? Surprised Trump didn't call him a Kriegskämpfer. Why do I get the sense that when Trump was a little kid, and they played Army, he wanted to be on the Nazi side?

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I have a feeling that once the fox news cameras are off and nobody is paying attention, the people above this asshole in the chain of command are going to make his life a living hell. you don't go around your superior officer and go on TV to complain about them, and if you do, you might as well hand in your resignation ASAP, because there's no rule that says that an admiral can't assign a navy seal to do nothing but clean toilets for the rest of his career, especially when this traitor president is out of office

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oops, little dark for a Friday, there...

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And some MAGA idiot will give Trump her Purple Ovary pin because he always wanted to have one.

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