BOOM....... BOOOM....

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OK, here's something I've been thinking about: let's just say Drumpf gets his way, somehow, and the citizen question ends up on the census. Couldn't everyone just fill out the rest of the form, and leave the citizenship question blank? The government could use all of the other relevant data, and discard the data from the citizenship question.

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Well, the smoking gun turned up in the dead GOP strategist's computer, so yeah, regroup and come up with a new excuse. Except that the Drumpf administration is too inept to come up with a viable reason for the citizenship question, other than "it's very important."

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...and then the doors to the country were locked, because we're full.

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The needle on my schadenfreude meter is whirling...

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But for god sakes, don't keep a list of gun owners, 'cause the gubbmint will know where I live when they come for mah guns!

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Former AG in front of your name puts an extra zero on the wingnut welfare cheques.

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It's systematicIt's hydromatic...


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Does he know John Baron?

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The Internet failed me.All the Judge Dredd hats on Trump are on his smug face head, not his shouty head.So you will have to imagine shouty Trump face in Dredd Helmet, "I am the Law"

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Can't play that stuff in prime time with kids watching.

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None of this even matters. We have to quit thinking that just because a Judge says so Trump will do anything he doesn't want to do. They're going to print the damn form the way they want it to read, say "fuck you'' to the courts and then rage tweet how stupid Susan Collins is when she goes on CNN to say she's very concerned, and this is going to make it very difficult next week when she votes to support it. THEY DO NOT CARE.

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He is not too worried about it considering the partisan gerrymandering case.I can tell you that internationally gerrymandering OF ANY KIND is considered a clear indicator of a dysfunctioning Democracy. It is disenfranchising voters and anything less than maximising enfranchisement is damaging to Democracy.By siding with partisan gerrymandering Roberts and SCOTUS has painted the USA as come kind of Banana Republic where voting barely matters.That and Citizens United are his legacy and while it will be profitable on the wingnut welfare circuit, it will be pretty embarrassing in future history books hopefully.

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Quit trying to make real law comparisons. Bill Barr has already said The Supreme Court is wrong. I'm sorry, but that's not how law works. Kind of by default, the Supreme Court can only be wrong in hindsight and even that doesn't happen very often. For instance, most experts would agree that the Supreme Court was wrong in the Dred Scott case. Most RWNJ experts think the court was wrong in Brown V. Board of Education. Most of them were smart enough to not say that out loud until a few years ago, but that's how they think.

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Executive Order, that overrides the Supreme Court. Its like, a law....trust me.

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