sadly, they will, and they do (goddammit this computer gets squirrelly after midnight- the reply to Skwerl King below was sposed to be to JMP, but the goddamn page hung up and then jumped)

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That list gives Justice Ginsberg the strong incentive to outlive trump. I pray that she does. Trump should appoint his 27 year old son as the next justice. The Constitution does not have a minimum age for appoint to the Court.

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Churning out a list of fictional judges does seem about Trump's intellectual speed.

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I can't wait until she kicks him in the balls.

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'and a lobotomized lingerie model is our First Lady.'

She's a whore. No need to be nice about it.

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Oh fuck I just laughed at work.

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What? You want Herman Cain?

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I so look forward to him losing. Big time.

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though I love Justice Willett's tweets, I'm still upset with his ruling on the school funding case. that being said, I would love to see Wonkette take apart his 100 pages of, "dear TX Lege, you are terrible, horrible, no good, very bad people and I think you should go have a good think about how to be not so fucking awful. but, according to my reading of state constitution, I can't make you stop being worthless shit heads."


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... it was "just a suggestion"... and he has "people looking into it"... rhetorically speaking. "I can tell you that. Believe me."

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Hmmm - sounds like 3/4 of the "Letters to the Editors" I read in The Villages "Daily Sun". Maybe your grandfather has a constituency?

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Cheney's smart enough to know not to get too close unless he settles down.

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Sure, what's the cost?

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And no one is stopping him or exposing him. That's the crazy part.

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Ironically, Trump just hired the lawyer who actually vetted Palin to vet his potential veeps.

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These are exactly the kind of questions he should be asked during the debates with Hillz. Watch him sputtering and stammering will be delightful.

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