We desperately need to get our message across to the independent voter! Awareness is key here. I feel some of us, myself included, assume the average voter is as informed as we are. That's simply not true. We have to provide this info. As shouty as the Republicans are with their mostly misinformation, we have to be even louder.

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Project 2025 is available online for your fascism and theocracy reading pleasure. Just one question. Did they consult their attorneys before pretty much admitting to a seditious conspiracy to overthrow the Constitution? Because there's some pretty serious felonies proposed in there. Asking for 300 some odd million Real Actual Not Traitorous Scum Americans.....

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poor Bully Barr, the once-enabler, now afeart of the tyrant he once championed with his inaction.

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I'm going to be holding my breath until January 20 2025 is over, if you don't mind.

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“This is third-world-country stuff, ‘arrest your opponent,’” Trump said at a campaign stop in New Hampshire in October. “And that means I can do that, too.”

Trump deplores weaponization of DOJ; promises to weaponize DOJ.

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The Republican Party, Ladies and Gentlemen- an extortion racket pretending to be a political party for tax purposes. Led by El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago, the Second Coming of Francisco (Franny to his friends) Franco.

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We already knew this, didn't we?

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Yeah. Nice of them to write it all down though, so voters can see exactly what they'd get in another Trump term. Those that aren't already deep in the MAGA sewer might realize that they don't actually want to live in a fascist country.

Every Democrat and otherwise sane person needs to be screaming about this Project 2025 nightmare fuel. They aren't even hiding what they'd do to the country if enabled, so let's make sure everyone knows it.

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sounds like a coup attempt to me … delaying justice for trump might just have dire consequences …

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Bravo, Evan. That’s writing right between the eyes.

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And when half the military refuses to cooperate with the feeble fisted fascist, the civil war will start so yay, y’all!

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What's weird is he and his people don't realize they hate America.

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Their idea of America is a lily-white Christian utopia that never existed but they still believe it did at some point in the past. That's what they consider America, not the multiracial and multicultural democracy that it actually is.

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they believe themselves to be the REAL patriots because of their unconditional fealty to a would-be strongman dictator and his election-wrecking, voter-suppressing party.

Mote, meet beam.

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“This is third-world-country stuff, ‘arrest your opponent,’” Trump said at a campaign stop in New Hampshire in October. “And that means I can do that, too.”

What a fucking psychopath. A normal American might see something they think is wrong with the system, like "This is third-world-country stuff" and then say, "So I will try to reach a position of power so I can fix it!". This "Our country is broken so YEEEEHAAAWW!!" is just beneath the worst that have ever run for major political office in this country.

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TFG is the modern Napolean. Just as Europe was not safe until Bonaparte was isolated and effectively locked up, the modern world is in danger until Orange Foolius is behind bars.

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I've been reading a historical fiction book that takes place during Napoleon's reign and I keep thinking why can't we just banish Trump to some far flung island in the middle of nowhere to live out what is left of his shitty, pathetic life?

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Actually, there is such place where he could be exiled after he is convicted of coup making, Alcatraz. The government renovates the old Warden's residence then puts PAB there for the rest of his life. He either agrees to exile or he gets sent to U.S. Penitentiary Administrative Maximum Facility (the ADX) in Florence, Colorado. The Alcatraz of the Rockies. Another possibility, given that he is a former POTUS, the government buys Jeffery Epstein's old place in the US Virgin Islands and El Trumpo has to agree to stay put and have no contact with the outside world.

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As an SF resident, I don't think we want him that close to us and the people who currently run it as a museum might object, but I like your line of thinking. Maybe Svalbard, the frozen Norwegian island in the Arctic Circle? There is already a vault there (for seeds, but they could probably clear out a part for him).

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Just saw an article pop up on the phone.

Majorly Traitor Spleen says she and Americans are fed up with Republicans "not holding government accountable."

1. Elected Republicans ARE the government, or at least a part of it. (And she has a point there: Republicans do not hold themeelves accountable for trying to make people they hate miserable and looting the treasury because those are the reasons they run for ofice).

2. If she thinks the Greedy Orwellian Perverts can purge the remaining sane office holders and go full-tilt, open fascist and win elections, well, I hope she's wrong.

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I thought the point of going dull fascist was that you don’t need elections at all anymore

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show us on the doll where Obama hurt you, PAB

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PAB running his mouth like that reminds me of Ralph Kramden's "One of these days, Alice--to the moon!" empty threats.

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as harmless as that taunt might have seemed, I could never tolerate it nor watch any episodes of that show. yes, yes, times being what they were and all, but it seemed too malicious to me all all too likely.

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Except Ralph was always shown to be the fool, Alice would get mad at him and chastise him. Ralph would see the error of his ways, back down, maybe apologize, then Alice would forgive him, take him back. They would reconcile and reaffirm their love for each other. But Ralph would always be shown to be the fool or blowhard, or both.

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