This is a zombie website (last copyright 2000), but it's right in line with your pic. Large parts of the site are dead, but what's left is very clever and funny.


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Yeah. it wasn't that bad where i live, but it was strong enough. I saved this image from the Irish weather service.


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In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, what a maroon.

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Insane Clown Pussy Grabber: "Magnets, how do they work?"

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Beat me to it:Missed opportunity to have the sign read "sowry"

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Yeah this looks only slightly safer than riding down in a cardboard box (which is what my brother, sister, and I did.)

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Well, we really collaborated to make D-Day a success.

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His has a seal. Hers is sad, with no seal. I'll bet he made sure of that. "Make sure hers is sad, with no seal. NO SEAL ON HERS."

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I thought we invented the box-down-the-stairs slide!

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Nice of Melon to go with the Carmen Sandiego look.

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Look, you'd have to be Einstein to understand how the electromagnetic catapults work. That's just science.

[Actually, it is. Einstein invented relativity largely to explain the relationship between electricity and magnetism -- his 1905 paper is the capstone of classical electromagnetic theory. A lot of people don't know that, as Trump would say.]

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After three weeks of playing "Where in the World is Melania Trump?" she wanted to let us know she's finally been found.

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I think that's why he loves coal and hates wind turbines. Coal-fired power plants use steam to generate electricity.

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You have to wonder how many of these state and regional emergency management officials were hoping someone would stuff a sock in Trump's mouth so that the professionals could actually talk about hurricanes instead of magnets and coal.

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Anyone in America who lives in an area that is in the path of a severe weather event caused by global warming is so very, very fucked.

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Rachel Maddow said they had it running on a loop on their monitors all afternoon while they prepared their show.

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