You are correct, sir/madam (thought it looked funny--just couldn't...)

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Your forgiven.

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It's best feature is it's nazi iconography. Look at the eagle on the trump coin, then compare it to the eagle on the presidential seal (the same one on W and obama's coin and basically every gov't seal and coin) and the eagle used by the nazi ss. people are concentrated on the coin's tackiness, but they're missing the fact that whomever designed it snuck in this dog whistle for all his facist supporters.https://www.hlregulation.co...https://c1.staticflickr.com...https://www.worthpoint.com/...https://static.lakana.com/n...http://p2.la-img.com/1056/2...

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Or any world for that matter.

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So, it's less "stolid dignity" and more "trailer park chic."

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Wow, that's impressively bad. I wonder if they realize they've had the eagle look to the left rather than the right? ;-) It violates the official blazon of the Great Seal, ergo, I'd argue it's not legit..... I mean, if assholes can argue a bit of gold fringe invalidates a court....

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But were there any coins made commemorating Operation Panty Shield?

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Would that be the Wankel rotary engine, beloved by sniggering English schoolboys in the 70's?

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He's an arsehole billionaire? Is it just possible that is all an act and he has a secret identity? Is Trump BATMAN?

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Basically. In the interest of being fair I do try to acknowledge both sides, even if one of them is fucking stupid.

"COUNTERPOINT: One time I saw my platoon sergeant use the edge of a challenge coin to cut a line of cheap coke in the bathroom of a Korean strip bar. Later he chucked it at a girl onstage and broke her nose. That was a fun Tuesday."

True Story: I've seen shit like this. Same bar I acquired the Iraqi Freedom coin, but the soldier of distortion was a dick, not depressed. I'm still not sure I miss that bar.

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"It’s not much of a surprise that Trump’s coin is a hot, golden garbage"

Not legal tender, just like his Casino coins.

For Amusement (Money Laundering) Purpose only.https://img0.etsystatic.com...

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I didn't think military men and old farts in VFWs needed an excuse to drink.

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