Actually I think you are right. Avarice is one of the seven deadly sins in Christianity. Ummm, at least it was prior to Trump. The evangelicals seem to give everything Trump does a pass, soooo.

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Same with Sithrak (h/t Oglaf). Sithrak doesn't give a shit about you or your beliefs. You're going to be tortured throughout eternity either way.

ETA: It only took me two edits to get all the typos out of this. /shakes head

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God damn want to move to Candidia but too cold.

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Belief or faith should stop at your own or the churches front door, you don't work for god .

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The job may have caused it.

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“To be forced under pain of losing one’s job is just outrageous,”

Not nearly as outrageous as dying because some fanatical religious bigot refuses to do their job. Not only should they be fired, but they should be held legally liable for any adverse effects due to their refusal to treat a patient.

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I think the worst one was I was on the road eating lunch in a Cracker Barrel restaurant in the the foothill part of North Carolina. This very loud very obnoxious white guy was browbeating some poor latino guy talking about god and jesus at the top of his lungs. The kicker for me was when he was done and got the check he told the waitress, "I'll see you in Heaven."How weird was that ? First I thought it presumptuous to claim to know your gods mind and second to pronounce someone else to be desirous of that peculiar statement. I said to Mr Hedo "No thanks", as he left the room."

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"To be forced to do their jobs or lose their jobs is just outrageous - " a sentiment every Republican congressperson can empathize with.

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Yeah, you're right. We can take heart that two steps forward, one step back, we make progress. It sucks nonetheless when we're in a stepping back phase. I used to find both foreboding and solace in the idea that we're ultimately food for worms, but now, I welcome our artificially sentient overlords --- they've got to be better than the semi-sentient ones we have now.

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That was the hardest conversation to ever have, including the "I want a divorce" conversation. But it was at least a relief to find that I knew my Mom as well as I thought I did, and that if the decision had to be made, it would be made with her consent.

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The U.S. is going downhill faster than anyone could've imagined. #ShitholeCountry

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Certainly something when Hippocrates (a pagan! a heathen! quite possibly a heathen pagan!) had more Christian compassion than these so-called Christians.

Its time like these I really would like there to be the pearly gates scenario with St Peter going : what part of "all God's children" did you not understand? Down the fiery escalator with you.

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The only secular hospitals in my area don't take any insurance that I can afford, so my choice is Catholic or Lutheran. And the Lutheran one is trying to take over one of the seculars.

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Ain't we all kin back up in the hills? :-D We were pretty well on the edge, northwest Pennsyltucky, to southron Oh-hahyuh.

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What a stupid thing to say. I hate assumptions. The absolute worst thing that happened to me when I lived in Louisiana was the constant assumption by white people that I must share their racist viewpoint simply because I was white. I found this to be very offensive - it is, in itself, a form of racism to assume that I have certain opinions simply because of the color of my skin.

We all make assumptions now and then, and most of the time they are relatively harmless, but to assume that strangers share your core beliefs can be very dangerous and offensive. When it is done deliberately, it is a form of bullying.

All the devout Christians I know firmly believe they will go straight to heaven after they die, but the Bible does not say this. In fact, it says quite the opposite in the Book of Revelations, where it states that all the dead are lying senseless in their graves and will be "raised up" and judged at the Second Coming of Jesus. There are apparently only a few people in heaven at present, including Jesus and Mary, several prophets, a couple of Apostles, and the Thief On The Cross. But my religious bigot fundamentalist minister uncle, who studied theology in a seminary for 4 years and who ought surely to have read Revelations several times since the Bible is the only book he ever reads, is always talking about his loved ones who are waiting for him in heaven. It is a kind of mass hysteria, if you ask me.

My father used to say "I don't want to go to heaven. According to the ministers, all the really interesting people who know how to enjoy life are going to hell, and I'm pretty sure all my friends will be down there."

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