It sounds fucking evil.

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That photo, at the time, provoked significant public outcry against the use or threat of force in situations involving an immigrant child. Trumpanzees today would laud it as a triumph.

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"Why not both?" - Republicans and the paid-by-private-prisons politicians they vote for

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Exactly my point, and why it is so frightening. We are now looking at a scenario where this sort of snapshot could happen to countless little kids, on a mass scale, and the possibility that the country could potentially become numb to it. People are already numb to what's going on at the border.

Children are permanently affected by an experience like this. At this age, Elian Gonzalez could not possibly have understood what was happening or why, or any political or even familial machinations attached to it. Everything we need to know about what he went through is right there on his face.

To anyone still paying attention: This photograph is not about Cuba. It's about the experience of children at the hands of adults.

Fucking look at it.

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Also know as "Bill Kristol Nacht".

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"he's the best president at least in her lifetime" Wow, they interviewed an 18 month old?

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They already have them. How long before Manzanar is taken from the Park Service and returned to active duty?

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They make sure you are not wearing pants.

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Oops. I feel like I have to say an apologetic "never mind", like Gilda Radner (as Emily Litella) said after Chevy Chase had to correct her on her "violins on television" remark.

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By the way, as a sportsball fan, I couldn't help but remember George Carlin's brilliant baseball/football comparison, where yes, he did use the term "blitz" in describing football's war-like terminology.

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No, unfortunately, she was probably in her 60's. All decked out in "flag" clothing.I haven't seen any clips of the rally yet, but knowing that so many stupid, hateful and riled up people live among us makes me relieved that I work from home. Honestly I don't even want to go out anymore

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I just wish that even ONE reporter would mention that it is a statistical certainty..... absolutely 100% guaranteed..... that for every 1,000 people ICE apprehends, among them will be a dozen or more LEGAL immigrant residents.... AND.... at least one or two ACTUAL US CITIZENS. It is not something that can be avoided when working with numbers like this.

I just REALLY pray that when this happens... not if, but when.... there are a few good reporters around to capture and publish the story. It needs to be page 1, above the fold....

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The unintended consequences. Mark my words. The browns who change Gramps diaper? Gone. The browns that make the double Whopper possible? Gone. The browns that pull fiber for your connection to black bulls porn addiction? Gone. Not to mention potato chips, cheap plastic bumper sticker from China. The people who believe browns are the problem have no idea how this country works. They're the modern day equivalent of a cargo cult.

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Do nothing? My extra mil suite is ready for any family that needs it.

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Of course. I hadn't thought too much about what such an action might free the fat fascist fuckwit to inflict upon her. That is the sort of detail I would like to have a clever legal eagle expound upon for me in full. My understanding of these prenup documents is minimal and it would gratify me immensely to correct that deficiency.

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