Real scientists fight back!

At least Trump's climate deniers can't erase all previous government-funded climate data that was accumulated. That's because the right after the 2016 election, mathematician John Baez led the effort to download and back up publicly available climate data from government databases and put it in a non-government public area. That way it wouldn't be lost. Dr. Baez himself has been working on efforts to apply his mathematical knowledge to fighting climate change on his Azimuth site. Go scientists!

"The Azimuth Climate Data Backup Project"http://math.ucr.edu/home/ba...

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At first I thought this said "a folder marked Texas".

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Read that too. And decades before that I read von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods and nearly went apoplectic over the gross errors of fact and logic plus the fact that this charlatan was selling millions. He held forth in his usual erroneous way about the impossibility of the islanders having actually carved the statues. The stone was too hard (untrue) and they didn't have timber for rollers or sledges to transport them because no trees on the island.Only there had been trees once, as was well known at the time, until the islanders short-sightedly cut them all down.Trump and company are our contemporary von Danikens, except they hold political power. What's the betting that a million years from now visiting aliens will find Earth an Easter Island of space and ask themselves, "What the hell happened here?"If one of them suggests, "Maybe they let global warming get out of control and did nothing," the others will probably give him (it?) the horse laugh and say, "Come on, Kang, no race could be that stupid."

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At this point my greatest hope (besides there being an afterlife of eternal suffering and punishment for fuckers like [insert Republican name]) is that there's intelligent life out there somewhere that has avoided being as stupid as us. And that they will find our remnants and remember us, albeit if only with some form of bemusement.

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I, for one, am not sure if I welcome our new Coleoptera https://uploads.disquscdn.c... Overlords

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Whut?, you sayin' that everybody in the stands ain't a Trump-lovin asshole?

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That's a terrible waste of good whiskey

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They're E-2 to-E-4 about to go into negative numbers.

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Emergency rooms refer to people who ride motorcycles without helmets as organ donors.

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Thank you so much! This always makes me giggle uncontrollably.

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The last time the midwest suffered devastating drought, they packed up and moved to California.

Swimming pools. Movie stars.

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All of my exes don't pay their taxes.DJT, probably.

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Sounds like a modest proposal.

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The military is the most socialist part of our government.

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Short-term gain, and no long-term repercussions, winner!

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