As a native Floridian we don't claim Trump as one of ours. He is what we refer to as a carpetbagger. Like most of them, he moved here to avoid paying taxes which actually provide decent social services so after they come here, they pay lower taxes and whine about the lousy social services. And too bad it is now almost impossible to obtain affordable property insurance if you live within 50 miles of the ocean. Maybe not such a good idea to build houses on brach sand.
He doesn't believe the information was false, because he knows he is guilty. This nonsense is an attempt to deflect the blame and make himself look innocent.
My late RWNJ brother used to do the same thing when he posted on FB, and he died a year before TFG rode down the elevator. It used to drive me nuts because he was just a year behind me in school so we mostly had the same teachers and he also read for pleasure (he was particularly fond of Bernard Cornwell), so he knew the way you're supposed to write.
I hope he keeps performing his abject misery in public like this. I love every second of it!
"What 'Trump Tower' Russia? What condo purchases from oligarchs? What "If this is what you say it is, I love it?"
Surely you meant to say "whining"?
... destroy my reputation... <voice type="Worf">You cannot tarnish a rusted blade.</voice>
"St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys"
As a native Floridian we don't claim Trump as one of ours. He is what we refer to as a carpetbagger. Like most of them, he moved here to avoid paying taxes which actually provide decent social services so after they come here, they pay lower taxes and whine about the lousy social services. And too bad it is now almost impossible to obtain affordable property insurance if you live within 50 miles of the ocean. Maybe not such a good idea to build houses on brach sand.
"Trouble! That starts with T, which rhymes with P, which stands for Pulitzer!"
Most of America: "Huh? Who? What? Never heard of it."
How were they able to get Sussman to trial so early while Paxton has been under indictment since 2015 without a trial in sight?
He doesn't believe the information was false, because he knows he is guilty. This nonsense is an attempt to deflect the blame and make himself look innocent.
"Nobody who lives outside the fart bubbles in Laura Ingraham's bathtub has any fucking idea what this is even allegedly about."
Fake news! No one can live in them because she farts zyklon B.
Die mad, loser.
My late RWNJ brother used to do the same thing when he posted on FB, and he died a year before TFG rode down the elevator. It used to drive me nuts because he was just a year behind me in school so we mostly had the same teachers and he also read for pleasure (he was particularly fond of Bernard Cornwell), so he knew the way you're supposed to write.
When will TFG have a massive coronary, stroke or brain hemhorrage?!
"Promulgated" huh? I wouldn't think he'd know that word, much less be able to use it properly.
By "hilarious implosion," we don't mean that Durham's mustache imploded upon itself and now he is just a pile of mustache on the ground.
ah! our Wonket! always with the purdy mental pictures.