Well of course she's against contraception and doesn't believe they help reduce abortions. The only way to reduce abortions is to outlaw it so no woman will ever have an abortion again.

Unless you're a rich, white Republican woman who can afford to go to Canada to have one of their legal abortions, but that's only when they absolutely need it, not like those poors who just wake up one morning pregnant and say, "It looks like it's going to rain. I think I'll go out and get an abortion today."

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Yes but off "course" gun control will do "nothing" to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

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I know it's wrong, but picturing a wandering uterus rampaging through the streets always makes me laugh.

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Well said. But I'll bet a diaphragm that Ms. Manning has a problem with condoms, too.

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Republicans always hate civil rights in employment laws, until they don't.

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I have a friend that was on a poetry tour called The Wandering Uterus way back in the day. it was a great title.

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Another day , another bible-kissing moron .

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ok, all other psychosis aside, this woman clearly doesn't know that conception is defined (at least - most? - scientifically) as successful implantation, not fertilization. I'm sure she cares, but I felt compelled to point that out.

I guess I need to worry about my Mirena causing all kind of abortions every month now or something.

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Oooh, beat me to it. Can I have Gonorrhea? It sounds so classy!

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that lady is very anti-choice....of eyebrow plucking.

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Geez - Rump still hasn't nominated people for the large majority of positions in the government that require confirmation, but he finds time to appoint this person, one who has apparently suffered spontaneous abortion of her soul ( no matter how pious she professes to be ).

I suppose it's a bad idea, but what if the laws were changed to limit the nimber of appointments that the President can make without confirmation ( turn it over to the OPM or the Ethics Counsel ).

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I am white(ish), male, middle-class, and woefully unqualified for many things. I should be a shoe-in for Secretary of the Navy or Agriculture or Alt-CIA. C'mon, White House, send me my golden job ticket now!

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I wonder if her attitude to contraception is related in any way to her (sinful) use of ear decoration

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"If there is one thing Donald Trump knows about..."

There isn't

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Ms. Manning was found guilty of being an idiot by a jury of her peers in Iowa. That really tells us something.

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