...And then whines relentlessly on twitter when nobody reports on how it was the best home run of all time!

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Sounds like a very Trumpian episode! I keep thinking of all the Republicans who said "Trump is a con man, a fraud, and a liar" and now show up to kiss his ring. Mittens Romney and Kellyanne Con-a-way spring immediately to mind.

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Yes, it's funny how the "lazy" Mexicans are taking all of "their" jobs. One thing I've observed about Mexican people is that they are always willing to help each other out, as opposed to our own poor people, who mainly want to make sure someone else gets treated worse than they do.

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That's what makes them so dangerous is that any perceived slight just burns their brains like an itch thy can't quite scratch until they literally destroy the person they think slighted them.

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Yeah, that would require school, and school is for nerds and faggots. Also, as you say, moving, which would require leaving the homogenous bubble of hometown security, which is probably close to the root of most of their fucked-up thinking about everything.

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I feel like every day I go to work and sit through sad state agency presentations about budget cuts and sad people who will be affected by said budget cuts and we're all just playing a big fucking game of pretend because then I come home to this shit.

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This is the SECOND clown the GOP has served up, and again the Pres is controlled by strange advisers. first Cheney and now Bannon. All this crap in the ME is a direct result of the invasion of Iraq- so we have Repubs creating a mess and then saying we need them to clean it up. It's time to ditch the GOP and maybe let a real conservative party take its place, not a bunch of whack jobs. (in the UK there is no connection between conservatism and religion- no prayer breakfasts, no preachers hanging around.) A lot of folks say the Dems aren't much better or different than the GOP. OK-let the Dems move to the right and take over the GOP slot and Bernie et.al. form the other party. But you can't go on with the GOP

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I can't believe I'm about to defend the GOP, but they really did try to defeat Trump. They said all along that he will be the end of their party, and they were/are right. Also too, the Iraq War (either one) was hardly the beginning of this mishegas. There was Begin, Reagan, Palestine, terror on the airlineAyatollah's in Iran, Russians in Afghanistan... you know, that old chestnut.

The GOP's biggest problem is not their leadership, but their suicidal base who are dumbing errything while Rupert Murdoch laughs all the way to the bank. Never go full Southern Strategy.

So this is what they get and fuck 'em for it. It won't be much longer.

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Trump to Secret Service agent, sotto voce: "Hey. She's following me around again! Can't you stop her? Who is she?"

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Huh. I thought I saw something weird in that picture. Sort of like a penis? But smaller.

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Their leadership is pretty wacky too. Paul Zombie Eyed Grannie Starver Ryan and his war on social support programs. The takeover by the completely batshit Freedom caucus. Everyone of them who still thinks or just pretends that tax cuts for the wealthy will help anyone but the wealthy and themselves.

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Sadly, he probably does. He just doesn't understand which role he's playing.

Who do you think Bannon thinks he is?

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Great idea!! People are sending complaints to president bannon. I'm on it


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Yeah, some defense. Of course they did. Weakly, very weakly.

In other words, they were willing to overlook trumpie's problems if they thought it would benefit them.

I hope to HELL they regret it yugely.

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Also reading abilities. Also business skills.

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And who created their base but the GOP.

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