I fully expect some international catastrophe to occur before year's end. And my conspiracy-addled brain, is pretty sure that it's being concocted by Dark Lord Bannon in order to remove most, if not all, Constitutional law and allow his butt-buddies in Russia to come in. This scares me on several levels, not the least of which is I'm starting to sound like all the wingnut crazies who screamed about a secret Obama army, death panels, etc. I'm so disgusted with myself.

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Since other fellow Wonketteers have already pointed out the other problems here, has anyone considered how bad it's going to look on an international level once we start arbitrarily building up our defensive structure? The assumption will be that we're doing so in anticipation of some large scale military actions and that tends to make people antsy. It makes us antsy when other nations do the same.

The cold war is over and an arms race is simply not how things are done anymore. Troop buildup at the expense of education and science does no damned good unless you just want to have a pretty looking military that doesn't really do a whole lot. The conflicts we face now involves tribes of people embedded in nations that may not even know they're there. We need intel and translators and advanced weaponry, not just boots on the ground.

Boots on the ground doesn't work in these times. Boots contain the feet of people who have to feel like they're fighting FOR something. If everyone is suffering at home, morale goes down. Also, a lot of the services they want to cut are helpful to our military and their families because the military doesn't pay a whole lot at all. If a soldier's family is starving at home because of bad policy, that soldier is less likely to be effective in the field. The idea is that soldier's fight to preserve something. That's my understanding of it and I am aware things may be different these days.

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But tRump says what he thinks and is a successful bizzniss man and is straightforward and knows how to make deals and isn't Killary ben Ghazi.

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.... but hey, check out that magnificent wall!

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One hour at a time......

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And Russia's the current high bidder.

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/knocks on wood

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Russia won the bid in November 2016.

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According to realtor friends the market is just INSANE right now- it's at a sweet spot of inventory and price that's working for buyers and sellers apparently. I'm sure the Drumpsters think it's because he's "energized" the economy, but I think it's more likely everyone's getting out now.

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Yessir! Top of his class, too, also. Wharton is not amused.I am, tho.

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True this!She fell in with a smart crowd.

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Other side. Plus, none of my family in the Colossus of the South will speak to me any more.

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It's more reptilian w/this crew. Everyone behind him, and I mean everyone, has nefarious plans.For $45 though, it really IS about the fantastic military parade he could hold in honor of himself. All that brass and chrome and explodin' stuff goin'on for a mile or more. He'd cream himself.

"Could we have 'em march with their legs a little stiffer, ya know? and stomp a little more? That'd be great, thanks."

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I hear it's bad form to apply for entry level when you're very experienced, but if they won't hire you for advanced, what's left?

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Brownshirt's looking to be K-State's President, and wants to get KKKobach to be the new Gov. Thinks things are bad now in Kansas? Hoo boy, just wait if Kris gets to be our ruler.

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