Yes, exactly. Women do say no and women do fight back. Even if a woman freezes and can't fight back, it's not a "yes" to rape.

I remember reading about Marissa Alexander. It's injustice that she had to plea to an actual crime so she could be released. All she was doing was trying to protect her newborn baby.

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Just started Giant of the Senate and loving it quite a bit.

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"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits."

(((A. Einstein)))

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Can you imagine the outcry? I mean, they're still screaming about the fluoride.

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yeah, but the other Tosca used a knife on ol scumbag Scarpia

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Put 'em on a bacon cheeseburger at a sports bar, and all our problems are solved!

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I guess when I was 6 I should have kept a loaded gun under my pillow so I could shoot my dad. Hmmpff.

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If women were allowed to shoot willy nilly for dudes "looking at them wrong", I don't think the whiners on the Donald would exist.

Oh no Femanazis!!!

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I remember that woman. Wasn't that in Florida ?

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So when my wife's boss slid his hand under her coat and grabbed / squeezed her hip, in the doorway to the conference room at work, the coat shielding him from the entire company in the room, she was supposed to pull her gun, which was against company policy to carry, and make him back off?

Yeah, they are pretty dumb over there. But we knew that, they voted for that pile.

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Well, there are all those court cases vindicating abused women who fought back and killed their abusers.


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I believe they call it acting "in loco parentis." Allen's a sleaze.

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Not quite getting that, Witch.

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also, "Segway"

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Seriously, if "shoot anyone who sexually harasses you" was the standard, there wouldn't be any men left.

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ME TOO !!!

(oh... not sexually insulted?)

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