I feel like if Trump really wanted to make chicken man his theme, the indigo girls would have to let him. It's too good.

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Yellow is the new orange.

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"Fluoride in the water, calling his opponent a communist … what’s next, freaking out about the Soviets launching a satellite?"

Is this 50's nostalgia week? Because I hated the 50's the first time around, too.

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Sure, it's Trump who's balking at another debate. (Cheap, I know, but.)

It's been a million years (a few weeks), but I'm sure Trumpie and Vancie are still hawt hawt hawt:


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Not to split hairs, but I much prefer the appellation "Orange Foolius." The Orange Julius was a beloved childhood treat for me.

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To be fair, the original insult was " Orange Julius Caesar."

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Yah I knew it had to refer to one of the many strongmen the vain old fool cherishes.

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I’d go with this. Yes, it’s a vegetarian song, but it has a chorus that goes BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK.


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You've got to know your chicken!

(Alternate campaign theme)


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Not "Bawk". Sir's chicken voice goes "Balk".

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Ta, Gary. Bawk and squawk. Trump's a coward, and the whole thing is chickens libelz.

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Honestly, Corey's face looks more like an ambulatory collision with a cast iron frying pan.

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Cast-iron pan libelz!!! Cast-iron pans, as opposed to Corey Lewandowski, serve an actual purpose.

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i suspect Amy & Emily would never

request/demand that he "holdy haaaaaand" either... unless it was a ruse!

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"The DNC originally said that they would be sending staffers dressed in chicken suits to Trump rallies as part of this messaging campaign, but after publication on Monday, a spokesperson for the group said that this would no longer occur."

Yeah, because of the potential of those staffers getting beaten within inches of their lives by the Cultists. Glad they elected not to have that happen.

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“We have proven that [Assmouth] has engaged in debates.” Not sure that’s the power statement you think it is there Corey…

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My opponent's sister is a known thespian, and has been known to proseletyze right outside the church!

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"It's too late."

Then why are you still campaigning?

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It's too late, baby, now it's too late, though [Donny] really did try to make it.

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That is the perfect riposte.

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Riposte, such a word.

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Harris/Walz need to adopt a chicken and call it 'Donald'. And a cat, and call it 'Jaydee'.

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Don't be doing chickens and cats like that!

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Cat LiBeLz! That can't fly!

Built a little couch for the chicken, and call that 'Jaydee'.

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